English support workshop

Start: 3:30pm
End: 4:30pm
Workshop to support kaiako of English in Te Tai Runga (Wellington and South).
  • NZC
  • Workshop

This workshop will explore the pieces of NCEA Level 1 English Course Design with a focus on the English Learning Matrix and how to use it. You will hear ideas of how some schools throughout the motu have approached course design.

Complete the form below to register for the workshop.

This workshop will explore the pieces of NCEA Level 1 English Course Design with a focus on the English Learning Matrix and how to use it. You will hear ideas of how some schools throughout the motu have approached course design.

Complete the form below to register for the workshop.

[ Links Block ]

Title: Registration form:

  • [ External Link ]
    • Title: Register
    • URL: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=zNTS5mK3bkiIlE9fRA1fMa0rXMWD5AxOhDlUTRwyi-1UNDJQWFYwSThOQ09MOUw5TzhDQTRYWTFHUS4u