We want to ensure everything we develop to support the NCEA changes will work in practice and meet the five principles of a strong NCEA qualification - coherence, credibility, equity and inclusion, pathways, and well-being.
To do this, we are working in partnership with schools, kura, kaiako/teachers, rangatahi/young people, whānau/families, communities, and other key stakeholders to deliver the NCEA changes.
Schools and Kura
Change Hubs
We have established Change Hubs in eight schools and two kura across the country. Through Change Hubs, we will connect with kaiako/teachers, whānau/parents, and ākonga/learners to seek their insights and feedback as we continue to implement the NCEA Change Programme.
Change Hubs are expected to take part in at least four engagements per year to support the NCEA Change Programme. They represent a diverse range of schools and kura in terms of decile, demographic profile, and geographic region.
We want to ensure everything we develop to support the NCEA changes will work in practice and meet the five principles of a strong NCEA qualification - coherence, credibility, equity and inclusion, pathways, and well-being.
To do this, we are working in partnership with schools, kura, kaiako/teachers, rangatahi/young people, whānau/families, communities, and other key stakeholders to deliver the NCEA changes.
Schools and Kura
Change Hubs
We have established Change Hubs in eight schools and two kura across the country. Through Change Hubs, we will connect with kaiako/teachers, whānau/parents, and ākonga/learners to seek their insights and feedback as we continue to implement the NCEA Change Programme.
Change Hubs are expected to take part in at least four engagements per year to support the NCEA Change Programme. They represent a diverse range of schools and kura in terms of decile, demographic profile, and geographic region.
Change Hub Schools
School/Kura |
James Cook High School |
Green Bay College |
Whakatāne High School |
Te Wharekura o Ngā Taiatea |
Melville High School |
Tamatea High School |
Wellington East Girls' High School |
Motueka High School |
TKKM o Te Whānau Tahi |
Shirley Boys' High School |
School/Kura |
James Cook High School |
Green Bay College |
Whakatāne High School |
Te Wharekura o Ngā Taiatea |
Melville High School |
Tamatea High School |
Wellington East Girls' High School |
Motueka High School |
TKKM o Te Whānau Tahi |
Shirley Boys' High School |
We have also identified Insights Schools and Kura, a group of up to 100 schools and kura that we will engage with twice a year through surveys. Their work will complement that of Change Hubs.
We have also identified Insights Schools and Kura, a group of up to 100 schools and kura that we will engage with twice a year through surveys. Their work will complement that of Change Hubs.
[ File Resource ]
- Title: Insights Schools
- Description: See which of the 2022 pilot schools are Insights Schools
- File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2022-02/insightSchools_1.pdf?VersionId=RzbZJUf0A8ET6wEnVPmePu9u1Z0kqaWr
- File Extension: pdf
- File Size: 273KB
- Insights Schools.pdf
- Description: See which of the 2022 pilot schools are Insights Schools
Insights Schools
Other Key Stakeholders
Professional Advisory Group
The 11-member Professional Advisory Group (PAG) was established in 2018 to provide advice to the Minister of Education and the Ministry of Education on the NCEA Review. The PAG comprises current and former principals and teachers who represent key peak bodies and have technical expertise, deep knowledge of the sector, and extensive experience working with NCEA in a range of schools and kura.
Subject Expert Groups
Subject Expert Groups - comprised of practising teachers, academics, and representatives from the tertiary and industry sectors - have been set up to help develop new achievement standards and supporting teaching and assessment resources for each subject aligned to The New Zealand Curriculum.
Panel Leads and Working Groups
Panel Leads and Working Groups - comprised of curriculum developers, practising kaiako, academics, and representatives from the tertiary and industry sectors - have been set up to help develop new achievement standards and supporting teaching and assessment resources for Te Marautanga o Aotearoa Wāhanga Ako and Te Reo Māori in The New Zealand Curriculum.
Other Key Stakeholders
Professional Advisory Group
The 11-member Professional Advisory Group (PAG) was established in 2018 to provide advice to the Minister of Education and the Ministry of Education on the NCEA Review. The PAG comprises current and former principals and teachers who represent key peak bodies and have technical expertise, deep knowledge of the sector, and extensive experience working with NCEA in a range of schools and kura.
Subject Expert Groups
Subject Expert Groups - comprised of practising teachers, academics, and representatives from the tertiary and industry sectors - have been set up to help develop new achievement standards and supporting teaching and assessment resources for each subject aligned to The New Zealand Curriculum.
Panel Leads and Working Groups
Panel Leads and Working Groups - comprised of curriculum developers, practising kaiako, academics, and representatives from the tertiary and industry sectors - have been set up to help develop new achievement standards and supporting teaching and assessment resources for Te Marautanga o Aotearoa Wāhanga Ako and Te Reo Māori in The New Zealand Curriculum.
Panel Leads: Te Marautanga o Aotearoa Review of Achievement Standards
- Rawiri Toia
- Hemi Dale
- Tony Trinick
- Wawaro Te Whaiti
- Hineihaea Murphy
- Awhina Gray
- Pania Papa
- Leon Blake
- Pauline Waiti
- Rawiri Toia
- Hemi Dale
- Tony Trinick
- Wawaro Te Whaiti
- Hineihaea Murphy
- Awhina Gray
- Pania Papa
- Leon Blake
- Pauline Waiti
Te Ao Haka Working Group (Iho Pūmanawa)
- Anna Berry-Tumoana
- Te Aroha Papa
- Laurele Tamati
- Jamus Webster
- Leilani Thompson-Kihi
- General Wihongi
- Anna Berry-Tumoana
- Te Aroha Papa
- Laurele Tamati
- Jamus Webster
- Leilani Thompson-Kihi
- General Wihongi
NCEA Panels
We have also established four NCEA Panels to ensure a diversity of New Zealanders - Māori, Pacific communities, people with disabilities, and industry and vocational employers - have a voice in the design and implementation of the NCEA changes.
NCEA Panels
We have also established four NCEA Panels to ensure a diversity of New Zealanders - Māori, Pacific communities, people with disabilities, and industry and vocational employers - have a voice in the design and implementation of the NCEA changes.
Māori Panel
- Hare Rua
- Raewyn Mahara
- Hine Waitere
- Ne’Kol Hura
- Christine Te Kiri
- Tihirangi Brightwell
- Nellie-Ann Abraham
- Mark Rangi
- Paora Trim
- Genae Thompson
- Annie Te Moana
- Hare Rua
- Raewyn Mahara
- Hine Waitere
- Ne’Kol Hura
- Christine Te Kiri
- Tihirangi Brightwell
- Nellie-Ann Abraham
- Mark Rangi
- Paora Trim
- Genae Thompson
- Annie Te Moana
Pacific Panel
- Dr. Michelle Johansson
- Robert Solomone
- Marie Su’a
- Dr. Edmond Fehoko
- Christine Pili
- Joseph Houghton
- Dagmar Dyck
- Sam Siliasau
- Nadeen Papali'i
- Dr Michelle Schaaf
- Dr. Michelle Johansson
- Robert Solomone
- Marie Su’a
- Dr. Edmond Fehoko
- Christine Pili
- Joseph Houghton
- Dagmar Dyck
- Sam Siliasau
- Nadeen Papali'i
- Dr Michelle Schaaf
Pathways Panel
- Aiono Manu Faaea-Semeatu
- Evelyn Moody – TEC representative
- Nicky Fairbairn
- Craig Wilkie
- Jane Thomas
- Jamie Hape
- Leah Crawford
- Gaynor Matthews
- Aiono Manu Faaea-Semeatu
- Evelyn Moody – TEC representative
- Nicky Fairbairn
- Craig Wilkie
- Jane Thomas
- Jamie Hape
- Leah Crawford
- Gaynor Matthews
Disability and Learning Support Panel
- Nicola Leete
- Darron Cutler
- Rakesh Lachaiya
- Geneva Hakaraia-Tino
- Shane McInroe
- Ursula Thynne
- Vicki Sharman
- Nick Ruane
- Nicola Leete
- Darron Cutler
- Rakesh Lachaiya
- Geneva Hakaraia-Tino
- Shane McInroe
- Ursula Thynne
- Vicki Sharman
- Nick Ruane
Pathways Advisory Group
Established in 2011, the Pathways Advisory Group has been a key partner for the Ministry in the design of the Vocational Pathways. The group is comprised of people who work in the Secondary-Tertiary interface (for example, Industry Training Organisations, Trades Academies). It represents the interests of the education sector, industry, and priority learner groups, by providing advice on projects involving pathways from secondary education into further education and employment.
Pathways Advisory Group
Established in 2011, the Pathways Advisory Group has been a key partner for the Ministry in the design of the Vocational Pathways. The group is comprised of people who work in the Secondary-Tertiary interface (for example, Industry Training Organisations, Trades Academies). It represents the interests of the education sector, industry, and priority learner groups, by providing advice on projects involving pathways from secondary education into further education and employment.