What is Universal Design for Learning (UDL)?
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a people-first design framework that guides the design of learning experiences to proactively meet the needs of each and every ākonga.
When we use UDL, we anticipate barriers to learning in the design of the environment, and plan in a range of useful supports, options and tools so each ākonga can select what works for them.
UDL is based on neuroscience and evidence-based educational practices.
(Adapted from Allison Posey, CAST 2022).
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a people-first design framework that guides the design of learning experiences to proactively meet the needs of each and every ākonga.
When we use UDL, we anticipate barriers to learning in the design of the environment, and plan in a range of useful supports, options and tools so each ākonga can select what works for them.
UDL is based on neuroscience and evidence-based educational practices.
(Adapted from Allison Posey, CAST 2022).
The UDL Thinking Cycle
The UDL Thinking Cycle is one of many approaches to planning using UDL.
The Thinking Cycle is explained below, or check out our interactive UDL Thinking Cycle.
The UDL Thinking Cycle is one of many approaches to planning using UDL.
The Thinking Cycle is explained below, or check out our interactive UDL Thinking Cycle.
Document List: [{"file_url":"https:\/\/ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com\/s3fs-public\/2022-07\/UDL%20thinking%20cycle%20on%20a%20page_1.pdf?VersionId=YCJCvf69dNnuJLoSvUH3ym7EBQDDyIFC","file_size":453348},{"file_url":"https:\/\/ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com\/s3fs-public\/2025-02\/UDL%20thinking%20cycle%20with%20descriptions.pdf?VersionId=rUZY78r1PAVR7fQ37uU_qC7TVWMo1ogl","file_size":951818}]
Documents Count: 2
[ File Resource ]
- Title: A4 printable version of UDL Thinking Cycle
- Description: Download to print your own copy of the UDL Thinking Cycle (1 page)
- File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2022-07/UDL%20thinking%20cycle%20on%20a%20page_1.pdf?VersionId=YCJCvf69dNnuJLoSvUH3ym7EBQDDyIFC
- File Extension: pdf
- File Size: 443KB
- A4 printable version of UDL Thinking Cycle.pdf
- Description: Download to print your own copy of the UDL Thinking Cycle (1 page)
[ File Resource ]
- Title: A4 printable version of UDL Thinking Cycle with descriptions
- Description: Download to print your own copy of the UDL Thinking Cycle with descriptions of each of the steps outlined below (6 pages)
- File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2025-02/UDL%20thinking%20cycle%20with%20descriptions.pdf?VersionId=rUZY78r1PAVR7fQ37uU_qC7TVWMo1ogl
- File Extension: pdf
- File Size: 930KB
- A4 printable version of UDL Thinking Cycle with descriptions.pdf
- Description: Download to print your own copy of the UDL Thinking Cycle with descriptions of each of the steps outlined below (6 pages)
[ File Resource ]
- Title: A4 printable version of UDL Thinking Cycle
- Description: Download to print your own copy of the UDL Thinking Cycle (1 page)
- File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2022-07/UDL%20thinking%20cycle%20on%20a%20page_1.pdf?VersionId=YCJCvf69dNnuJLoSvUH3ym7EBQDDyIFC
- File Extension: pdf
- File Size: 443KB
- A4 printable version of UDL Thinking Cycle.pdf
- Description: Download to print your own copy of the UDL Thinking Cycle (1 page)
[ File Resource ]
- Title: A4 printable version of UDL Thinking Cycle with descriptions
- Description: Download to print your own copy of the UDL Thinking Cycle with descriptions of each of the steps outlined below (6 pages)
- File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2025-02/UDL%20thinking%20cycle%20with%20descriptions.pdf?VersionId=rUZY78r1PAVR7fQ37uU_qC7TVWMo1ogl
- File Extension: pdf
- File Size: 930KB
- A4 printable version of UDL Thinking Cycle with descriptions.pdf
- Description: Download to print your own copy of the UDL Thinking Cycle with descriptions of each of the steps outlined below (6 pages)
Step one: What do we know about the people and the context?
Ask yourself,
What do we know about the ākonga?
- Cultures, languages and identities
- Connections to place
- Ākonga strengths
- Prior knowledge and experience
- Specific needs and preferences
- What’s on top for ākonga
- Wellbeing and morale
What do we know about the context?
- Time of day, time in the week
- Environment: online, face-to-face, field trip
- Familiar or unfamiliar activity or setting
Step one: What do we know about the people and the context?
Ask yourself,
What do we know about the ākonga?
- Cultures, languages and identities
- Connections to place
- Ākonga strengths
- Prior knowledge and experience
- Specific needs and preferences
- What’s on top for ākonga
- Wellbeing and morale
What do we know about the context?
- Time of day, time in the week
- Environment: online, face-to-face, field trip
- Familiar or unfamiliar activity or setting
Step two: What's the goal and purpose?
Ask yourself:
- What is the goal?
- Why are we doing this?
- What could success look like?
Can these be co-designed with ākonga?
Step two: What's the goal and purpose?
Ask yourself:
- What is the goal?
- Why are we doing this?
- What could success look like?
Can these be co-designed with ākonga?
Step three: Identify possible barriers to learning in the design
Ask yourself,
What in our design could create inequity and discrimination?
What may create barriers to:
- engagement and motivation
- accessing and understanding information
- participating in learning and expressing what they know.
For more information, go to our reducing barriers for ākonga page.
Step three: Identify possible barriers to learning in the design
Ask yourself,
What in our design could create inequity and discrimination?
What may create barriers to:
- engagement and motivation
- accessing and understanding information
- participating in learning and expressing what they know.
For more information, go to our reducing barriers for ākonga page.
Step four: Identify universal supports
Ask yourself,
What supports, options and tools might be useful for some that we can offer to everyone?
Step four: Identify universal supports
Ask yourself,
What supports, options and tools might be useful for some that we can offer to everyone?
Step five: Make a plan supported by UDL Guidelines
Make and implement a plan to support ākonga variability
- Allow what you know about ākonga to influence the design
- Address key barriers
- Build in useful options and universal supports
- Organise feedback approaches.
Then check and refine plan using the prompts below. These prompts have been adapted from Key Questions to Consider When Planning Lessons.
They are organised using the three UDL Guidelines, which are grounded in the concept of neuro-variability. Read more about UDL and the Learning Brain.
Provide multiple means of Engagement
Affective networks: The 'WHY' of learning
Ask yourself:
Does the lesson provide options that can help all ākonga:
- Regulate their own learning?
- Sustain effort and motivation?
- Engage and interest all ākonga?
Provide multiple means of Representation
Recognition networks: The 'WHAT' of learning
Ask yourself:
Does the lesson provide options that can help all ākonga:
- Reach higher levels of comprehension and understanding?
- Understand the symbols and expressions?
- Perceived what needs to be learned?
Provide multiple means of Action and Expression
Strategic networks: The 'HOW' of learning
Ask yourself:
Does the lesson provide options that can help all ākonga:
- Act strategically?
- Express themselves fluently?
- Physically respond?
You can find out more about the UDL Guidelines on the CAST website
Step five: Make a plan supported by UDL Guidelines
Make and implement a plan to support ākonga variability
- Allow what you know about ākonga to influence the design
- Address key barriers
- Build in useful options and universal supports
- Organise feedback approaches.
Then check and refine plan using the prompts below. These prompts have been adapted from Key Questions to Consider When Planning Lessons.
They are organised using the three UDL Guidelines, which are grounded in the concept of neuro-variability. Read more about UDL and the Learning Brain.
Provide multiple means of Engagement
Affective networks: The 'WHY' of learning
Ask yourself:
Does the lesson provide options that can help all ākonga:
- Regulate their own learning?
- Sustain effort and motivation?
- Engage and interest all ākonga?
Provide multiple means of Representation
Recognition networks: The 'WHAT' of learning
Ask yourself:
Does the lesson provide options that can help all ākonga:
- Reach higher levels of comprehension and understanding?
- Understand the symbols and expressions?
- Perceived what needs to be learned?
Provide multiple means of Action and Expression
Strategic networks: The 'HOW' of learning
Ask yourself:
Does the lesson provide options that can help all ākonga:
- Act strategically?
- Express themselves fluently?
- Physically respond?
You can find out more about the UDL Guidelines on the CAST website
Step six: Teach, evaluate, revise
Ask yourself:
- What options, universal supports and strategies worked well?
- How will the feedback influence my design?
- What will I try next time?
Step six: Teach, evaluate, revise
Ask yourself:
- What options, universal supports and strategies worked well?
- How will the feedback influence my design?
- What will I try next time?
Templates for planning with UDL
The templates below are there to help you to use UDL when you plan your teaching. Download them and fill them in either on your own, or alongside your colleagues:
The templates below are there to help you to use UDL when you plan your teaching. Download them and fill them in either on your own, or alongside your colleagues:
Document List: [{"file_url":"https:\/\/ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com\/s3fs-public\/2022-10\/Design%20and%20review%20a%20course%20outline%20with%20a%20UDL%20lens%20-%20Final%20version.docx?VersionId=LpM2gWirIJt1WPrcy5PkRvVm3rogPrmR","file_size":803430},{"file_url":"https:\/\/ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com\/s3fs-public\/2022-10\/Planning%20an%20activity%20with%20a%20UDL%20lens%20March%202022%20%28003%29.docx?VersionId=ninU6fpl8edu_hrF_YHt35ko6G9Vw8OQ","file_size":644757},{"file_url":"https:\/\/ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com\/s3fs-public\/2022-10\/UDL%20prompts%20to%20guide%20and%20review%20NCEA%20assessment%20design%20%28V8%29%20Sept%202022%20.docx?VersionId=8nxacbWlRCJuK52U4VzWkUYlSBqjUJ2p","file_size":34514},{"file_url":"https:\/\/ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com\/s3fs-public\/2022-10\/Identifying%20common%20barriers%20in%20your%20subject%20area_%20%28003%29.docx?VersionId=jl5Awp8qqxb0kak7oAUQS6MivMa2Kc_g","file_size":146720}]
Documents Count: 4
[ File Resource ]
- Title: UDL - design & review course outline
- Description: Use this template to help you design and review a course outline using a UDL lens
- File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2022-10/Design%20and%20review%20a%20course%20outline%20with%20a%20UDL%20lens%20-%20Final%20version.docx?VersionId=LpM2gWirIJt1WPrcy5PkRvVm3rogPrmR
- File Extension: docx
- File Size: 785KB
- UDL - design & review course outline.docx
- Description: Use this template to help you design and review a course outline using a UDL lens
[ File Resource ]
- Title: UDL - Planning an activity
- Description: Use this template to help you plan an activity using the UDL Thinking Cycle
- File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2022-10/Planning%20an%20activity%20with%20a%20UDL%20lens%20March%202022%20%28003%29.docx?VersionId=ninU6fpl8edu_hrF_YHt35ko6G9Vw8OQ
- File Extension: docx
- File Size: 630KB
- UDL - Planning an activity.docx
- Description: Use this template to help you plan an activity using the UDL Thinking Cycle
[ File Resource ]
- Title: UDL - Designing an assessment
- Description: Use this template to help you review NCEA assessment design using the UDL Thinking Cycle
- File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2022-10/UDL%20prompts%20to%20guide%20and%20review%20NCEA%20assessment%20design%20%28V8%29%20Sept%202022%20.docx?VersionId=8nxacbWlRCJuK52U4VzWkUYlSBqjUJ2p
- File Extension: docx
- File Size: 34KB
- UDL - Designing an assessment.docx
- Description: Use this template to help you review NCEA assessment design using the UDL Thinking Cycle
[ File Resource ]
- Title: UDL Template - identify barriers
- Description: Use this template to help you identify common barriers to learning that might exist for ākonga in your subject area
- File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2022-10/Identifying%20common%20barriers%20in%20your%20subject%20area_%20%28003%29.docx?VersionId=jl5Awp8qqxb0kak7oAUQS6MivMa2Kc_g
- File Extension: docx
- File Size: 143KB
- UDL Template - identify barriers.docx
- Description: Use this template to help you identify common barriers to learning that might exist for ākonga in your subject area
[ File Resource ]
- Title: UDL - design & review course outline
- Description: Use this template to help you design and review a course outline using a UDL lens
- File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2022-10/Design%20and%20review%20a%20course%20outline%20with%20a%20UDL%20lens%20-%20Final%20version.docx?VersionId=LpM2gWirIJt1WPrcy5PkRvVm3rogPrmR
- File Extension: docx
- File Size: 785KB
- UDL - design & review course outline.docx
- Description: Use this template to help you design and review a course outline using a UDL lens
[ File Resource ]
- Title: UDL - Planning an activity
- Description: Use this template to help you plan an activity using the UDL Thinking Cycle
- File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2022-10/Planning%20an%20activity%20with%20a%20UDL%20lens%20March%202022%20%28003%29.docx?VersionId=ninU6fpl8edu_hrF_YHt35ko6G9Vw8OQ
- File Extension: docx
- File Size: 630KB
- UDL - Planning an activity.docx
- Description: Use this template to help you plan an activity using the UDL Thinking Cycle
[ File Resource ]
- Title: UDL - Designing an assessment
- Description: Use this template to help you review NCEA assessment design using the UDL Thinking Cycle
- File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2022-10/UDL%20prompts%20to%20guide%20and%20review%20NCEA%20assessment%20design%20%28V8%29%20Sept%202022%20.docx?VersionId=8nxacbWlRCJuK52U4VzWkUYlSBqjUJ2p
- File Extension: docx
- File Size: 34KB
- UDL - Designing an assessment.docx
- Description: Use this template to help you review NCEA assessment design using the UDL Thinking Cycle
[ File Resource ]
- Title: UDL Template - identify barriers
- Description: Use this template to help you identify common barriers to learning that might exist for ākonga in your subject area
- File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2022-10/Identifying%20common%20barriers%20in%20your%20subject%20area_%20%28003%29.docx?VersionId=jl5Awp8qqxb0kak7oAUQS6MivMa2Kc_g
- File Extension: docx
- File Size: 143KB
- UDL Template - identify barriers.docx
- Description: Use this template to help you identify common barriers to learning that might exist for ākonga in your subject area
Resources - find out more about UDL
Explore websites and tools
Websites and tools:
Interactive UDL Thinking Cycle: https://view.genial.ly/623b8550473d8800194831a7/interactive-image-udl-thinking-cycle | |
Universal Design for Learning: Inclusive Education Guides for Schools: https://inclusive.tki.org.nz/guides/universal-design-for-learning/ | ![]() |
CAST: The UDL Guidelines: | ![]() |
Universal Design for Learning (UDL): A teacher’s guide: https://www.understood.org/articles/en/understanding-universal-design-for-learning | ![]() |
How to break down barriers to learning with UDL: https://www.understood.org/articles/en/how-to-break-down-barriers-to-learning-with-udl | ![]() |
CAST: Until learning has no limits The international home of Universal Design for Learning |
Websites and tools:
Interactive UDL Thinking Cycle: https://view.genial.ly/623b8550473d8800194831a7/interactive-image-udl-thinking-cycle | |
Universal Design for Learning: Inclusive Education Guides for Schools: https://inclusive.tki.org.nz/guides/universal-design-for-learning/ | ![]() |
CAST: The UDL Guidelines: | ![]() |
Universal Design for Learning (UDL): A teacher’s guide: https://www.understood.org/articles/en/understanding-universal-design-for-learning | ![]() |
How to break down barriers to learning with UDL: https://www.understood.org/articles/en/how-to-break-down-barriers-to-learning-with-udl | ![]() |
CAST: Until learning has no limits The international home of Universal Design for Learning |
Watch videos about UDL
Learn the fundamentals of UDL: Allison Posey. | ![]() |
Universal Design for Learning and the New Zealand Curriculum: | ![]() |
Where has UDL come from? | ![]() |
Learn the fundamentals of UDL: Allison Posey. | ![]() |
Universal Design for Learning and the New Zealand Curriculum: | ![]() |
Where has UDL come from? | ![]() |
Discover readings about UDL
Where is UDL heading? UDL Must Address Barriers to Equitable Learning | Cracks in the pavement https://www.cast.org/news/2021/co-founder-udl-address-barriers-equitable-learning | ![]() |
Cross-pollinating culturally sustaining pedagogy and universal design for learning Waitoller F. R._ King Thorius K. A. (2016) | |
CAST: UDL and the Learning Brain https://www.cast.org/products-services/resources/2018/udl-learning-brain-neuroscience | |
Differentiated Instruction and Implications for UDL Implementation https://www.cast.org/products-services/resources/2014/ncac-differentiated-instruction-udl |
Where is UDL heading? UDL Must Address Barriers to Equitable Learning | Cracks in the pavement https://www.cast.org/news/2021/co-founder-udl-address-barriers-equitable-learning | ![]() |
Cross-pollinating culturally sustaining pedagogy and universal design for learning Waitoller F. R._ King Thorius K. A. (2016) | |
CAST: UDL and the Learning Brain https://www.cast.org/products-services/resources/2018/udl-learning-brain-neuroscience | |
Differentiated Instruction and Implications for UDL Implementation https://www.cast.org/products-services/resources/2014/ncac-differentiated-instruction-udl |