NCEA Literacy and Numeracy resources for kaiako

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Changes are happening to the way NCEA recognises literacy and numeracy | te reo matatini me te pāngarau. From 2024, students will need to achieve new corequisite standards to the qualification. The resources in this section will support schools and kura with the implementation of the corequisite.

Changes are happening to the way NCEA recognises literacy and numeracy | te reo matatini me te pāngarau. From 2024, students will need to achieve new corequisite standards to the qualification. The resources in this section will support schools and kura with the implementation of the corequisite.

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Case Studies

Strengthening literacy and numeracy requirements and assessments in NCEA is one of the seven key change areas of NCEA reform. Schools are working to adapt their practices to this change, support ākonga through this process and lift literacy and numeracy outcomes for their ākonga. A selection of schools have been interviewed from across the country. These interviews highlight good NCEA Literacy and Numeracy practice. These case studies provide tangible examples of:

  • Effective practices when determining readiness to sit the CAAs
  • Supporting every teacher to be a teacher of literacy and numeracy
  • Shifts in practice to support NCEA literacy and numeracy

Read our NCEA Literacy and Numeracy Case Studies here

Strengthening literacy and numeracy requirements and assessments in NCEA is one of the seven key change areas of NCEA reform. Schools are working to adapt their practices to this change, support ākonga through this process and lift literacy and numeracy outcomes for their ākonga. A selection of schools have been interviewed from across the country. These interviews highlight good NCEA Literacy and Numeracy practice. These case studies provide tangible examples of:

  • Effective practices when determining readiness to sit the CAAs
  • Supporting every teacher to be a teacher of literacy and numeracy
  • Shifts in practice to support NCEA literacy and numeracy

Read our NCEA Literacy and Numeracy Case Studies here

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NCEA Literacy Planning Resources

Every kaiako needs to be a teacher of literacy in their subject; every kaiako needs to know what they can do to support ākonga to develop their literacy skills. To understand NCEA literacy, explore the Unpacking Literacy and Literacy Learning Matrix on the NCEA Literacy Planning Resources tab.

In this section kaiako can explore resources that will support them to plan for literacy teaching and learning in their subject.

Every kaiako needs to be a teacher of literacy in their subject; every kaiako needs to know what they can do to support ākonga to develop their literacy skills. To understand NCEA literacy, explore the Unpacking Literacy and Literacy Learning Matrix on the NCEA Literacy Planning Resources tab.

In this section kaiako can explore resources that will support them to plan for literacy teaching and learning in their subject.

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NCEA Numeracy Planning Resources

Every kaiako needs to be a teacher of numeracy in their subject; every kaiako needs to know what they can do to support ākonga to develop their numeracy skills. To understand NCEA numeracy, explore the Unpacking Numeracy and Numeracy Learning Matrix on the NCEA Numeracy Planning Resources tab.

In this section kaiako can explore resources that will support them to plan for numeracy teaching and learning in their subject.

Every kaiako needs to be a teacher of numeracy in their subject; every kaiako needs to know what they can do to support ākonga to develop their numeracy skills. To understand NCEA numeracy, explore the Unpacking Numeracy and Numeracy Learning Matrix on the NCEA Numeracy Planning Resources tab.

In this section kaiako can explore resources that will support them to plan for numeracy teaching and learning in their subject.

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Support Materials for Additional NCEA Literacy and Numeracy-rich Standards

During the transition in 2024 and 2025, learners can achieve the NCEA Co-requisite using either the six dedicated standards or around 130 approved literacy and numeracy-rich standards that are available across a range of subjects.

We have developed 14 one-page guides and a PowerPoint presentation to support teachers in planning for variability with the approved additional standards.

During the transition in 2024 and 2025, learners can achieve the NCEA Co-requisite using either the six dedicated standards or around 130 approved literacy and numeracy-rich standards that are available across a range of subjects.

We have developed 14 one-page guides and a PowerPoint presentation to support teachers in planning for variability with the approved additional standards.

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Curated Resource Bank

This curated resource bank is a collection of resources which are published online. The purpose of this resource bank is to enable you as a secondary teacher to quickly find what you need to help you develop your teaching practice in the areas of literacy and numeracy.

Curated Resource Bank

More information on teaching and learning can be accessed by navigating the literacynumeracyte reo matatini, and pāngarau pages.

This curated resource bank is a collection of resources which are published online. The purpose of this resource bank is to enable you as a secondary teacher to quickly find what you need to help you develop your teaching practice in the areas of literacy and numeracy.

Curated Resource Bank

More information on teaching and learning can be accessed by navigating the literacynumeracyte reo matatini, and pāngarau pages.