What is the NCEA Change Programme

[ Heading ]

What’s Changing

We’re in the process of strengthening NCEA by making a series of changes to improve well-being, equity, coherence, pathways and credibility – for students and teachers alike.

The changes, which were confirmed by Cabinet in February 2020, will be the most significant reform of NCEA since the qualification was introduced in 2002.

In light of feedback from key stakeholder groups – those who undertake NCEA (learners and their parents/whānau), those who deliver NCEA (school leaders and educators), those who administer the qualification (NZQA) and those who use the completed qualification (employers, tertiary providers, iwi, etc) – we will be working to ensure we implement the NCEA changes in a way which is responsive to the diverse and evolving needs of our education system and communities, and recognises the complex nature of NCEA.

We will also provide the best resourcing, tools and guidance, minimise disruption to learning programmes as much as possible, and continue to engage with New Zealanders as we implement the changes.

The NCEA Change Programme is a work programme led by the Ministry of Education to deliver the package of seven changes aimed at strengthening NCEA:

  1. Make NCEA more accessible – zero fees, fewer barriers for learners with disabilities and learning support needs.
  2. Equal status for mātauranga Māori in NCEA – develop new ways to recognise mātauranga Māori, build teacher capability, and improve resourcing and support for Māori learners and te ao Māori pathways.
  3. Strengthen literacy and numeracy requirements and assessments – ensure students with an NCEA have functional literacy and numeracy skills that will ready them to transition into tertiary education or the workplace.
  4. Fewer, larger standards – new achievement standards and resources will be developed to replace existing standards and ensure the qualification achieved credentials the most significant learning in a learning area or subject.
  5. Simplify NCEA's structure – credits can no longer be carried over to the next level and resubmissions will only be allowed where they take students from a ‘Not Achieved’ grade to an ‘Achieved’ grade. Sixty credits are required to pass each NCEA level.
  6. Clearer pathways to further education or work – develop a Vocational Entrance Award to clearly signal when a student is ready to transition into higher level vocational education and strengthen vocational pathways through NCEA.
  7. Keep NCEA Level 1 optional – ensure Level 1 provides students with the broad, foundational knowledge needed to support specialisation at Levels 2 and 3.

The changes were informed by insights and feedback gathered during the public engagement on the NCEA Review in 2018, and were confirmed by the Government in February 2020.

Thousands of people across the country took part in the Review from May to October 2018 and provided feedback in different ways – including Quick Survey (6,758 people); workshops, fono and hui (8000+ people); NCEA and Big Opportunities Survey (920 people); 54 focus groups (493 people); 20 regional workshops (476 people); and submissions (155 individuals, 116 groups and 95 organisations). An overwhelming majority favoured changes to strengthen NCEA.

The Ministry of Education is working with schools, young people, families/whānau, communities and other key stakeholders to deliver the NCEA changes. The changes are scheduled to be phased in. The new NCEA Level 1 is being implemented from 2024. New achievement standards at Levels 2 and 3 will be in place by 2028 and 2029, respectively.

We’re in the process of strengthening NCEA by making a series of changes to improve well-being, equity, coherence, pathways and credibility – for students and teachers alike.

The changes, which were confirmed by Cabinet in February 2020, will be the most significant reform of NCEA since the qualification was introduced in 2002.

In light of feedback from key stakeholder groups – those who undertake NCEA (learners and their parents/whānau), those who deliver NCEA (school leaders and educators), those who administer the qualification (NZQA) and those who use the completed qualification (employers, tertiary providers, iwi, etc) – we will be working to ensure we implement the NCEA changes in a way which is responsive to the diverse and evolving needs of our education system and communities, and recognises the complex nature of NCEA.

We will also provide the best resourcing, tools and guidance, minimise disruption to learning programmes as much as possible, and continue to engage with New Zealanders as we implement the changes.

The NCEA Change Programme is a work programme led by the Ministry of Education to deliver the package of seven changes aimed at strengthening NCEA:

  1. Make NCEA more accessible – zero fees, fewer barriers for learners with disabilities and learning support needs.
  2. Equal status for mātauranga Māori in NCEA – develop new ways to recognise mātauranga Māori, build teacher capability, and improve resourcing and support for Māori learners and te ao Māori pathways.
  3. Strengthen literacy and numeracy requirements and assessments – ensure students with an NCEA have functional literacy and numeracy skills that will ready them to transition into tertiary education or the workplace.
  4. Fewer, larger standards – new achievement standards and resources will be developed to replace existing standards and ensure the qualification achieved credentials the most significant learning in a learning area or subject.
  5. Simplify NCEA's structure – credits can no longer be carried over to the next level and resubmissions will only be allowed where they take students from a ‘Not Achieved’ grade to an ‘Achieved’ grade. Sixty credits are required to pass each NCEA level.
  6. Clearer pathways to further education or work – develop a Vocational Entrance Award to clearly signal when a student is ready to transition into higher level vocational education and strengthen vocational pathways through NCEA.
  7. Keep NCEA Level 1 optional – ensure Level 1 provides students with the broad, foundational knowledge needed to support specialisation at Levels 2 and 3.

The changes were informed by insights and feedback gathered during the public engagement on the NCEA Review in 2018, and were confirmed by the Government in February 2020.

Thousands of people across the country took part in the Review from May to October 2018 and provided feedback in different ways – including Quick Survey (6,758 people); workshops, fono and hui (8000+ people); NCEA and Big Opportunities Survey (920 people); 54 focus groups (493 people); 20 regional workshops (476 people); and submissions (155 individuals, 116 groups and 95 organisations). An overwhelming majority favoured changes to strengthen NCEA.

The Ministry of Education is working with schools, young people, families/whānau, communities and other key stakeholders to deliver the NCEA changes. The changes are scheduled to be phased in. The new NCEA Level 1 is being implemented from 2024. New achievement standards at Levels 2 and 3 will be in place by 2028 and 2029, respectively.

[ Video Resource ]

  • Title: Changes to Strengthen NCEA
  • Description: Hear from the sector about the key goals in the future of the qualification
  • Video Duration: 4 minutes
  • Video URL: https://player.vimeo.com/video/649775833
  • Transcript: EnglishIt's time we had a look at NCEA because it's a qualification that's been around since 2002. And it's a great qualification

[ Heading ]

Delivering the Change

We have been working in partnership with teachers, students, school leaders, parents and whānau, and other representatives from the sector to implement the changes to the NCEA. The new standards are scheduled to be implemented in 2024 (Level 1), 2028 (Level 2) and 2029 (Level 3).

We also want to ensure everything we develop to support the NCEA changes will meet the five principles of a strong NCEA qualification – coherence, credibility, equity and inclusion, pathways and well-being.

Government to rephase the NCEA Change Programme

Further changes to NCEA, particularly for Levels 2 and 3, will be delayed by two years to 2028 and 2029, respectively. 

Education Minister Erica Stanford said the Government is delaying further NCEA changes by two years to give certainty to teachers, parents and students, and ensure a clear curriculum for Years 11-13 is developed first. 

Read the Minister's Media Release: Government to rephase NCEA Change Programme 

Under the new timeline: 

  • NCEA Level 2 will be fully implemented by 2028, not in 2026 as previously planned. 
  • NCEA Level 3 will be fully implemented by 2029, not in 2027.

We have been working in partnership with teachers, students, school leaders, parents and whānau, and other representatives from the sector to implement the changes to the NCEA. The new standards are scheduled to be implemented in 2024 (Level 1), 2028 (Level 2) and 2029 (Level 3).

We also want to ensure everything we develop to support the NCEA changes will meet the five principles of a strong NCEA qualification – coherence, credibility, equity and inclusion, pathways and well-being.

Government to rephase the NCEA Change Programme

Further changes to NCEA, particularly for Levels 2 and 3, will be delayed by two years to 2028 and 2029, respectively. 

Education Minister Erica Stanford said the Government is delaying further NCEA changes by two years to give certainty to teachers, parents and students, and ensure a clear curriculum for Years 11-13 is developed first. 

Read the Minister's Media Release: Government to rephase NCEA Change Programme 

Under the new timeline: 

  • NCEA Level 2 will be fully implemented by 2028, not in 2026 as previously planned. 
  • NCEA Level 3 will be fully implemented by 2029, not in 2027.
[ Heading ]

Frequently Asked Questions

What is changing?

What is changing?

[ Accordion ]

A new timeline for the development of NCEA Levels 2 and 3 subjects and wāhanga ako will be created to align with the rephasing of the NCEA Change Programme. In the meantime, we have paused the development of new NCEA Levels 2 and 3 subjects and wāhanga ako.

What is not changing?

  • Schools must use the new Level 1 achievement standards for NCEA assessments starting in 2024. 
  • Learners will continue to use the existing standards for NCEA Levels 2 and 3. 
  • Learners will also need to complete te reo matatini, pāngarau, literacy, and numeracy co-requisite requirements to be awarded an NCEA. The co-requisite has become a mandatory part of NCEA from 2024.

What is not changing?

  • Schools must use the new Level 1 achievement standards for NCEA assessments starting in 2024. 
  • Learners will continue to use the existing standards for NCEA Levels 2 and 3. 
  • Learners will also need to complete te reo matatini, pāngarau, literacy, and numeracy co-requisite requirements to be awarded an NCEA. The co-requisite has become a mandatory part of NCEA from 2024.

Additional Frequently Asked Questions

Additional Frequently Asked Questions

[ Accordion ]

The rephasing means that secondary students engaging in NCEA will be assessed using the existing standards for NCEA Levels 2 and 3 until these are replaced in 2028 and 2029, respectively.

[ Accordion ]

A new timeline for the development of NCEA Levels 2 and 3 subjects and wāhanga ako will be created to align with the rephasing of the NCEA Change Programme. In the meantime, we have paused the development of new NCEA Levels 2 and 3 subjects and wāhanga ako.

[ Accordion ]

The Literacy and Numeracy | Te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau Co-requisite has become a mandatory part of NCEA from 2024. So learners will need to complete te reo matatini, pāngarau, literacy, and numeracy co-requisite requirements to be awarded an NCEA.

Where to go for further information 

All other questions can also be directed to the team via NCEA.Review@education.govt.nz 

Where to go for further information 

All other questions can also be directed to the team via NCEA.Review@education.govt.nz 

[ Heading ]

Mātauranga Māori

As part of Change 2 of the NCEA Change Package, Mana ōrite mō te mātauranga Māori, we are working to ensure there is equal status, support and resourcing for mātauranga Māori in NCEA, opening up greater opportunities for ākonga to access mātauranga Māori and the pathways that lead from it.

In practical terms, this means:

  • appropriately incorporating mātauranga Māori, te ao Māori and te reo Māori into the new New Zealand Curriculum-derived Achieved Standards and associated resource materials for use across English- and Māori-medium settings.
  • developing new Achievement Standards and associated teaching and learning resources to credential learning from Te Marautanga o Aotearoa (TMoA).
  • developing new mātauranga Māori subjects to better acknowledge and support pathways that are relevant for and valued by Māori (for example, Māori Performing Arts).
  • ensuring that teachers are better resourced and supported to teach mātauranga Māori.


As part of Change 2 of the NCEA Change Package, Mana ōrite mō te mātauranga Māori, we are working to ensure there is equal status, support and resourcing for mātauranga Māori in NCEA, opening up greater opportunities for ākonga to access mātauranga Māori and the pathways that lead from it.

In practical terms, this means:

  • appropriately incorporating mātauranga Māori, te ao Māori and te reo Māori into the new New Zealand Curriculum-derived Achieved Standards and associated resource materials for use across English- and Māori-medium settings.
  • developing new Achievement Standards and associated teaching and learning resources to credential learning from Te Marautanga o Aotearoa (TMoA).
  • developing new mātauranga Māori subjects to better acknowledge and support pathways that are relevant for and valued by Māori (for example, Māori Performing Arts).
  • ensuring that teachers are better resourced and supported to teach mātauranga Māori.


[ Heading ]

Curriculum Planning and Design

We understand the time and consultation required to review and design your local curriculum. To support you on your journey with NCEA, we have developed a range of guidance to support your local curriculum design alongside the changes.

This includes our Leading Local Curriculum Guide Series which will help you steer your view of your local curriculum. This series supports you to lead discussions with your staff or within curriculum or year groups on:

  • Designing rich opportunities and coherent pathways.
  • Using the right tools to notice and respond to progress.
  • Engaging conversations with parents and whānau about their learning and progress.
  • How you can equip your students for tomorrow's world.


We understand the time and consultation required to review and design your local curriculum. To support you on your journey with NCEA, we have developed a range of guidance to support your local curriculum design alongside the changes.

This includes our Leading Local Curriculum Guide Series which will help you steer your view of your local curriculum. This series supports you to lead discussions with your staff or within curriculum or year groups on:

  • Designing rich opportunities and coherent pathways.
  • Using the right tools to notice and respond to progress.
  • Engaging conversations with parents and whānau about their learning and progress.
  • How you can equip your students for tomorrow's world.


[ Heading ]

Key Advisory Groups

The Professional Advisory Group, composed of current and former principals and teachers, was established to provide advice to the Minister of Education and the Ministry of Education on the NCEA Review.

We want to ensure everything we develop to support the NCEA changes will work in practice and meet the five principles of a strong NCEA qualification – coherence, credibility, equity and inclusion, pathways and well-being. To do this, we are working in partnership with a diverse range of people to implement the NCEA Change Programme.

The Professional Advisory Group, composed of current and former principals and teachers, was established to provide advice to the Minister of Education and the Ministry of Education on the NCEA Review.

We want to ensure everything we develop to support the NCEA changes will work in practice and meet the five principles of a strong NCEA qualification – coherence, credibility, equity and inclusion, pathways and well-being. To do this, we are working in partnership with a diverse range of people to implement the NCEA Change Programme.

[ Heading ]

Additional Resources

School and Kura Forward Planner 2024

The School and Kura Forward Planner outlines key engagement activities and resources to support teachers and kaiako in Term 1.

The School and Kura Forward Planner is not limited to NCEA changes. The planner includes information across the wider curriculum and assessment changes underway.

School and Kura Forward Planner 2024

The School and Kura Forward Planner outlines key engagement activities and resources to support teachers and kaiako in Term 1.

The School and Kura Forward Planner is not limited to NCEA changes. The planner includes information across the wider curriculum and assessment changes underway.

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Term 1 School and Kura Forward Planner
  • Description: Key engagement activities and resources to support kaiako in Term 1.
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2024-04/POU%201019%20Curriculum%20Activity%20Forward%20Planner%202024%20T1_21MAR.pdf?VersionId=O7iImBL5Wq7wY3tCi4XBYxRiEGlT3axU
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 464KB


Term 1 School and Kura Forward Planner

Key engagement activities and resources to support kaiako in Term 1.
Key engagement activities and resources to support kaiako in Term 1.

NCEA Change Programme Fact Sheets and Brochures

NCEA Change Programme Fact Sheets and Brochures

[ Multiple File Download ]

Zip Collection Title: Fact Sheets (A4)

Document List: 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Documents Count: 21

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: English
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2021-09/Approved%20-%20A4%20Fact%20Sheet%20-%20NCEA%20Change%20Programme.pdf?VersionId=SBXaLBdngfiAzUmwbKA1ExnQ8tZPp9o4
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 1MB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Te reo Māori
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2021-09/Te%20reo%20Maori%20-%20ELS%200702%20A4%20Fact%20Sheet%20-%20NCEA%20Change%20Programme.pdf?VersionId=vCj83QQlN7ZutLOkpUhhjtJzkvFBPyIL
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 595KB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Chinese
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2021-09/ELS%200702%20NCEA%20Change%20Timeline%20flyer%20A4%20CHINESE.pdf?VersionId=5ETLF62gD9KFOiTBXez3hU2Z80sbnWaC
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 320KB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Hindi
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2021-09/ELS%200702%20NCEA%20Change%20Timeline%20flyer%20A4_AW_HINDI%20WEB.pdf?VersionId=DMyOv2IY0pZhcnKvUF9yq1e4NreHtHlF
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 133KB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Korean
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2021-09/ELS%200702%20NCEA%20Change%20Timeline%20flyer%20A4_AW_KOREAN%20WEB.pdf?VersionId=UnbK2puFwZEPLtOSeRZTeT9z_QHmTRYO
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 139KB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Cook Islands Māori
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2021-09/Cook%20Islands%20Maori%20-%20ELS%200702%20A4%20Fact%20Sheet%20-%20NCEA%20Change%20Progr.pdf?VersionId=296N3izSxqIJExvKMD4F8pB1BUoLGmAc
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 602KB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Fijian
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2021-09/Fijian%20-%20ELS%200702%20A4%20Fact%20Sheet%20-%20NCEA%20Change%20Programme.pdf?VersionId=i_pkqZOjsz2WtEqSYIva8HCvmlIQPyab
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  • File Size: 601KB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Gagana Samoa
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2021-09/Gagana%20Samoa%20-%20ELS%200702%20A4%20Fact%20Sheet%20-%20NCEA%20Change%20Programme.pdf?VersionId=dMZbXoFVBDf3it5ZvSGKO2Fh2dCNOXUd
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  • File Size: 596KB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Gagana Tokelau
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2021-09/ELS%200702%20NCEA%20Change%20Timeline%20flyer%20A4_TOKELAU_AW_V2.pdf?VersionId=5wr_qvkGTjoE8c1FLYYsaIn.8JSHNynK
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  • File Size: 1MB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Tongan
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2021-09/Tongan%20-%20ELS%200702%20A4%20Fact%20Sheet%20-%20NCEA%20Change%20Programme.pdf?VersionId=saUH0hJ4qKY6xiXoRZ8VhjeMloBTgvxi
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  • File Size: 601KB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Tuvalu
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2021-09/Tuvalu%20-%20ELS%200702%20A4%20Fact%20Sheet%20-%20NCEA%20Change%20Programme.pdf?VersionId=_wlo6PBhLVKjMzxIP1ZMj.QVC7gUObbs
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  • File Size: 599KB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Vagahau Niue
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2021-09/Vagahau%20Niue%20-%20ELS%200702%20A4%20Fact%20Sheet%20-%20NCEA%20Change%20Programme.pdf?VersionId=G_kPIKAkQVXQzBHPOf3ruPQwfgn4aAHa
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  • Title: Arabic
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  • File Size: 141KB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Dari
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2022-06/Dari%20-%20ELS%200702%20NCEA%20Change%20Programme%20A4%20WEB.pdf?VersionId=TxcC8ZVsmF6PWw8_9aV_O8aAdlNN1RnA
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  • File Size: 133KB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Karen
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2022-06/Karen%20-%20ELS%200702%20NCEA%20Change%20Programme%20A4%202021%20WEB.pdf?VersionId=03kgTvPf3SjNruJxCN7KJRG6R78ITXKm
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  • File Size: 134KB

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  • Title: Nepali
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  • File Size: 145KB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Pashto
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2022-06/Pashto%20-%20ELS%200702%20NCEA%20Change%20Programme%20A4%20WEB.pdf?VersionId=CPmBPosFvXiHa7e.axjdYGqXejmzjsme
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  • File Size: 133KB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Spanish
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2022-06/Spanish%20-%20ELS%200702%20NCEA%20Change%20Programme%20A4%20WEB.pdf?VersionId=uxw_4.iLLYRVOcU3FqCfIrhrNnTJsg_D
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  • File Size: 123KB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Somali
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2022-06/Somali%20-%20ELS%200702%20NCEA%20Change%20Programme%20A4%20WEB.pdf?VersionId=xHB29T1h1AvaNj_K52qXmr4K7_qolUq7
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[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Burmese
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2022-06/Burmese%20-%20ELS%200702%20NCEA%20Change%20Programme%20A4%20WEB.pdf?VersionId=IxrUORYs1EHPdv44OepU8EF4mCryXymZ
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  • File Size: 175KB

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  • Title: Kiribati
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2022-09/Kiribati%20-%20web%20version%20-%20ELS%200702%20NCEA%20Change%20Programme%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf?VersionId=gWyz4iLNA5fHKBa8Af1nNGEhYveakr2Y
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  • File Size: 150KB

Fact Sheets (A4)

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  • Title: English
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2021-09/Approved%20-%20A4%20Fact%20Sheet%20-%20NCEA%20Change%20Programme.pdf?VersionId=SBXaLBdngfiAzUmwbKA1ExnQ8tZPp9o4
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[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Te reo Māori
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2021-09/Te%20reo%20Maori%20-%20ELS%200702%20A4%20Fact%20Sheet%20-%20NCEA%20Change%20Programme.pdf?VersionId=vCj83QQlN7ZutLOkpUhhjtJzkvFBPyIL
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  • File Size: 595KB

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  • Title: Chinese
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2021-09/ELS%200702%20NCEA%20Change%20Timeline%20flyer%20A4%20CHINESE.pdf?VersionId=5ETLF62gD9KFOiTBXez3hU2Z80sbnWaC
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  • File Size: 320KB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Hindi
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2021-09/ELS%200702%20NCEA%20Change%20Timeline%20flyer%20A4_AW_HINDI%20WEB.pdf?VersionId=DMyOv2IY0pZhcnKvUF9yq1e4NreHtHlF
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  • Title: Korean
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2021-09/ELS%200702%20NCEA%20Change%20Timeline%20flyer%20A4_AW_KOREAN%20WEB.pdf?VersionId=UnbK2puFwZEPLtOSeRZTeT9z_QHmTRYO
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  • File Size: 139KB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Cook Islands Māori
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2021-09/Cook%20Islands%20Maori%20-%20ELS%200702%20A4%20Fact%20Sheet%20-%20NCEA%20Change%20Progr.pdf?VersionId=296N3izSxqIJExvKMD4F8pB1BUoLGmAc
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  • File Size: 602KB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Fijian
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2021-09/Fijian%20-%20ELS%200702%20A4%20Fact%20Sheet%20-%20NCEA%20Change%20Programme.pdf?VersionId=i_pkqZOjsz2WtEqSYIva8HCvmlIQPyab
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  • File Size: 601KB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Gagana Samoa
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2021-09/Gagana%20Samoa%20-%20ELS%200702%20A4%20Fact%20Sheet%20-%20NCEA%20Change%20Programme.pdf?VersionId=dMZbXoFVBDf3it5ZvSGKO2Fh2dCNOXUd
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 596KB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Gagana Tokelau
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2021-09/ELS%200702%20NCEA%20Change%20Timeline%20flyer%20A4_TOKELAU_AW_V2.pdf?VersionId=5wr_qvkGTjoE8c1FLYYsaIn.8JSHNynK
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  • File Size: 1MB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Tongan
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2021-09/Tongan%20-%20ELS%200702%20A4%20Fact%20Sheet%20-%20NCEA%20Change%20Programme.pdf?VersionId=saUH0hJ4qKY6xiXoRZ8VhjeMloBTgvxi
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 601KB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Tuvalu
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2021-09/Tuvalu%20-%20ELS%200702%20A4%20Fact%20Sheet%20-%20NCEA%20Change%20Programme.pdf?VersionId=_wlo6PBhLVKjMzxIP1ZMj.QVC7gUObbs
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 599KB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Vagahau Niue
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2021-09/Vagahau%20Niue%20-%20ELS%200702%20A4%20Fact%20Sheet%20-%20NCEA%20Change%20Programme.pdf?VersionId=G_kPIKAkQVXQzBHPOf3ruPQwfgn4aAHa
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  • File Size: 599KB

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  • Title: Arabic
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2022-06/Arabic%20-%20ELS%200702%20NCEA%20Change%20Programme%20flyer%20A4%20WEB.pdf?VersionId=VfYh0ZnUBk3uO8h..6qXezVfp7sgAxXB
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  • File Size: 141KB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Dari
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2022-06/Dari%20-%20ELS%200702%20NCEA%20Change%20Programme%20A4%20WEB.pdf?VersionId=TxcC8ZVsmF6PWw8_9aV_O8aAdlNN1RnA
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  • File Size: 133KB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Karen
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2022-06/Karen%20-%20ELS%200702%20NCEA%20Change%20Programme%20A4%202021%20WEB.pdf?VersionId=03kgTvPf3SjNruJxCN7KJRG6R78ITXKm
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  • File Size: 134KB

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  • Title: Nepali
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2022-06/Nepali%20-%20ELS%200702%20NCEA%20Change%20Programme%20A4%20WEB.pdf?VersionId=XgKIpNKnLBP.adUVpasNIuCeFguLiBzd
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  • File Size: 145KB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Pashto
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2022-06/Pashto%20-%20ELS%200702%20NCEA%20Change%20Programme%20A4%20WEB.pdf?VersionId=CPmBPosFvXiHa7e.axjdYGqXejmzjsme
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  • File Size: 133KB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Spanish
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  • File Size: 123KB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Somali
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2022-06/Somali%20-%20ELS%200702%20NCEA%20Change%20Programme%20A4%20WEB.pdf?VersionId=xHB29T1h1AvaNj_K52qXmr4K7_qolUq7
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  • File Size: 121KB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Burmese
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2022-06/Burmese%20-%20ELS%200702%20NCEA%20Change%20Programme%20A4%20WEB.pdf?VersionId=IxrUORYs1EHPdv44OepU8EF4mCryXymZ
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  • File Size: 175KB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Kiribati
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2022-09/Kiribati%20-%20web%20version%20-%20ELS%200702%20NCEA%20Change%20Programme%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf?VersionId=gWyz4iLNA5fHKBa8Af1nNGEhYveakr2Y
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  • File Size: 150KB

What do the NCEA changes mean for employers?

What do the NCEA changes mean for employers?

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Documents Count: 1

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Fact Sheet
  • Description: What do the NCEA changes mean for employers?
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2021-11/Fact%20Sheet%20-%20NCEA%20changes%20-%20for%20employers.pdf?VersionId=PoE4yNCKCaba6KoCCFShtv5nDACqVZu1
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 584KB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Fact Sheet
  • Description: What do the NCEA changes mean for employers?
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2021-11/Fact%20Sheet%20-%20NCEA%20changes%20-%20for%20employers.pdf?VersionId=PoE4yNCKCaba6KoCCFShtv5nDACqVZu1
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 584KB