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Document List: [{"file_url":"https:\/\/ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com\/s3fs-public\/2022-03\/Literacy%20Learning%20Matrix%20%28A4%29_0_0.pdf?VersionId=HII0XjTbC84g1kRQ_Mt1DtqG1Jkq3h8n","file_size":340851},{"file_url":"https:\/\/ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com\/s3fs-public\/2022-03\/Unpacking%20Literacy%20%28A4%3B%20Pages%207-8%20are%20A3%29%20-%202022%20version%20FINAL.pdf?VersionId=WlD7ZJawl8K37xcS7Q.cxQQCfIaLdYoV","file_size":427136},{"file_url":"https:\/\/ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com\/s3fs-public\/2024-05\/Final%20-%20NCEA%20Co-Requisite%20Learning%20Outcomes%20for%20Reading_AS_V2.pdf?VersionId=89uFoD2YuonCyDHfkZCeBE2LnwAu9afT","file_size":128569},{"file_url":"https:\/\/ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com\/s3fs-public\/2024-05\/Final%20-%20NCEA%20Co-Requisite%20Learning%20Outcomes%20for%20Writing_AS_V2.pdf?VersionId=lANIl8ZEoeQ7k2tO1dNDo4cAYOjjDQsG","file_size":138748}]

Documents Count: 4

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Literacy Learning Matrix
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2022-03/Literacy%20Learning%20Matrix%20%28A4%29_0_0.pdf?VersionId=HII0XjTbC84g1kRQ_Mt1DtqG1Jkq3h8n
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 333KB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Unpacking Literacy
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2022-03/Unpacking%20Literacy%20%28A4%3B%20Pages%207-8%20are%20A3%29%20-%202022%20version%20FINAL.pdf?VersionId=WlD7ZJawl8K37xcS7Q.cxQQCfIaLdYoV
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 417KB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Learning Outcomes for Reading
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2024-05/Final%20-%20NCEA%20Co-Requisite%20Learning%20Outcomes%20for%20Reading_AS_V2.pdf?VersionId=89uFoD2YuonCyDHfkZCeBE2LnwAu9afT
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 126KB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Learning Outcomes for Writing
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2024-05/Final%20-%20NCEA%20Co-Requisite%20Learning%20Outcomes%20for%20Writing_AS_V2.pdf?VersionId=lANIl8ZEoeQ7k2tO1dNDo4cAYOjjDQsG
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 135KB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Literacy Learning Matrix
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2022-03/Literacy%20Learning%20Matrix%20%28A4%29_0_0.pdf?VersionId=HII0XjTbC84g1kRQ_Mt1DtqG1Jkq3h8n
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 333KB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Unpacking Literacy
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2022-03/Unpacking%20Literacy%20%28A4%3B%20Pages%207-8%20are%20A3%29%20-%202022%20version%20FINAL.pdf?VersionId=WlD7ZJawl8K37xcS7Q.cxQQCfIaLdYoV
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 417KB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Learning Outcomes for Reading
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2024-05/Final%20-%20NCEA%20Co-Requisite%20Learning%20Outcomes%20for%20Reading_AS_V2.pdf?VersionId=89uFoD2YuonCyDHfkZCeBE2LnwAu9afT
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 126KB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Learning Outcomes for Writing
  • File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2024-05/Final%20-%20NCEA%20Co-Requisite%20Learning%20Outcomes%20for%20Writing_AS_V2.pdf?VersionId=lANIl8ZEoeQ7k2tO1dNDo4cAYOjjDQsG
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 135KB

What is Literacy about?

Literacy is a foundational skill that enables access to further learning, develops important life skills, and allows people to fully engage in work and in their communities.

Everyone has a role to play in developing NCEA literacy, including school leaders, kaiako, whānau and ākonga.

Strong foundational reading and writing skills increase ākonga engagement and:

  • improve work and career outcomes;
  • enable broader contribution in communities; and
  • lead to better health outcomes.

About NCEA Literacy

NCEA Literacy supports ākonga to develop a level of literacy knowledge and skills to engage successfully with all the learning areas of the New Zealand Curriculum, as well as learning in non-school settings. NCEA Literacy covers foundational literacy. This is approximately Level 4/5 of the New Zealand Curriculum, whereby a student has full control over level 4 and is ready to work at Level 5.

From 2024, to gain an NCEA qualification, ākonga must pass either a Te Reo Matatini standard or these two Literacy standards:

  • US32403: Read written texts to understand ideas and information
  • US32405: Write texts to communicate ideas and information. The Literacy standards require ākonga to demonstrate the following skills:

Literacy is a foundational skill that enables access to further learning, develops important life skills, and allows people to fully engage in work and in their communities.

Everyone has a role to play in developing NCEA literacy, including school leaders, kaiako, whānau and ākonga.

Strong foundational reading and writing skills increase ākonga engagement and:

  • improve work and career outcomes;
  • enable broader contribution in communities; and
  • lead to better health outcomes.

About NCEA Literacy

NCEA Literacy supports ākonga to develop a level of literacy knowledge and skills to engage successfully with all the learning areas of the New Zealand Curriculum, as well as learning in non-school settings. NCEA Literacy covers foundational literacy. This is approximately Level 4/5 of the New Zealand Curriculum, whereby a student has full control over level 4 and is ready to work at Level 5.

From 2024, to gain an NCEA qualification, ākonga must pass either a Te Reo Matatini standard or these two Literacy standards:

  • US32403: Read written texts to understand ideas and information
  • US32405: Write texts to communicate ideas and information. The Literacy standards require ākonga to demonstrate the following skills:

Big Ideas and Significant Learning



Title: Learners make sense of written texts

Big Idea Body:

Learners use:

  • a processing system to decode and comprehend text. Readers develop expertise in using sources of information and comprehension strategies to make sense of text.
  • knowledge of text structures and features. Readers develop their knowledge of text features and use this to navigate and understand texts.
  • vocabulary knowledge. Successful comprehension depends on understanding most of the meanings of the words in the text.

Learners make sense of written texts

Learners use:

  • a processing system to decode and comprehend text. Readers develop expertise in using sources of information and comprehension strategies to make sense of text.
  • knowledge of text structures and features. Readers develop their knowledge of text features and use this to navigate and understand texts.
  • vocabulary knowledge. Successful comprehension depends on understanding most of the meanings of the words in the text.
Title: Learners read critically

Big Idea Body:


  • develop a critical awareness that enables them to consider who wrote a text, for whom, why and whether it may have purposes that are not immediately apparent.

Learners read critically


  • develop a critical awareness that enables them to consider who wrote a text, for whom, why and whether it may have purposes that are not immediately apparent.
Title: Learners read for different purposes

Big Idea Body:


  • are clear about their purpose for reading and have appropriate strategies to meet that purpose.
  • understand and use ideas in texts.
  • locate and evaluate the ideas and information within and across a range of print and digital texts to meet their purpose.

Learners read for different purposes


  • are clear about their purpose for reading and have appropriate strategies to meet that purpose.
  • understand and use ideas in texts.
  • locate and evaluate the ideas and information within and across a range of print and digital texts to meet their purpose.



Title: Learners write meaningful texts for different purposes and audiences

Big Idea Body:


  • use strategies within a writing process to plan and create texts.
  • select content, text structure and language choices appropriate to purpose and audience.
  • select and use vocabulary that is specific to their topic, purpose and audience.
  • revise and edit their work.

Learners write meaningful texts for different purposes and audiences


  • use strategies within a writing process to plan and create texts.
  • select content, text structure and language choices appropriate to purpose and audience.
  • select and use vocabulary that is specific to their topic, purpose and audience.
  • revise and edit their work.
Title: Learners use written language conventions appropriately to support communication

Big Idea Body:


  • develop their expertise in sentence construction, grammar, punctuation, spelling, word choice.

Learners use written language conventions appropriately to support communication


  • develop their expertise in sentence construction, grammar, punctuation, spelling, word choice.

More Information

[ Links Block ]

Title: Navigate to:

  • [ Internal Link ]
    • Title: Literacy in Your Classroom
    • URL: https://ncea.education.govt.nz//ncea-literacy-your-classroom
    • Description: A guide for kaiako explaining why literacy is important in all subject areas.
  • [ Internal Link ]
    • Title: Literacy Pedagogy Guides
    • URL: https://ncea.education.govt.nz//literacy-planning-resources
    • Description: A set of guides that translate the Unpacking Literacy document into specific NCEA learning areas and subjects.
  • [ Internal Link ]
    • Title: About Te Reo Matatini
    • URL: https://ncea.education.govt.nz//te-reo-matatini-me-te-pangarau/te-reo-matatini/te-ako
    • Description: Find out more about the Te Reo Matatini standards ākonga can sit as an alternative to the Literacy standards.
  • [ Internal Link ]
    • Title: About NCEA Numeracy
    • URL: https://ncea.education.govt.nz//literacy-and-numeracy/numeracy/learning
    • Description: An overview of the changes to NCEA Numeracy.

    Additional Readings

    Additional Readings

    [ Links Block ]

    Title: Navigate To:

  • [ Internal Link ]
    • Title: Additional Readings
    • URL: https://ncea.education.govt.nz//further-reading-and-sources-ncea-literacy-and-numeracy
    • Description: See additional readings and sources for NCEA Literacy and Numeracy.