What does the rephase of the NCEA Change Programme mean for the corequisite?
The rephasing has not impacted the pilot of the new NCEA Te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau | Literacy and Numeracy standards. The wider pilot is still going ahead as planned in 2022. The co-requisite is set to become a mandatory part of NCEA from 2024 onwards. This means that in 2024, learners doing NCEA Level 1 will need to complete 60 credits as well as the co-requisite to receive their NCEA. For more information, please see how NCEA requirements are changing.
What is a co-requisite? Is it different to a pre-requisite?
The new co-requisite for Te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau | Literacy & Numeracy is set to become a compulsory part of NCEA from 2024. This means that a learner must achieve the co-requisite standards in order to be formally awarded their NCEA qualification at any level. In other words, a learner will still be able to continue their NCEA learning while they work towards achieving the literacy and numeracy standards, though the learner will not be formally awarded their NCEA qualification until they have done so. This is what makes it a co-requisite and not a pre-requisite.
Why is this change happening now?
In 2018, as part of Kōrero Mātauranga, the Ministry undertook public engagement with a range of people including learners, teachers and leaders to review NCEA. We heard that literacy and numeracy needed to be strengthened as part of NCEA.
Why don’t we have oral language in the English-medium standards?
Oral language is currently part of the Māori-medium standards. Oral language is not part of the English-medium standards as there is currently no explicit Curriculum progression for this skill. We will continue to review the inclusion of oral language as the New Zealand Curriculum is refreshed.
Why are the standards at Curriculum Level 4/5?
The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has specified that level 2/3 of the Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC) is a good level of literacy and numeracy skill to have for participation in learning, life, and work. This broadly reflects Level 4/5 of the National Curriculum where a learner has control over Level 4 and is ready to work at Level 5.
What if my learner has a disability, or has a learning support need?
The standards and assessment are being designed to be inclusive where possible, and as with other assessments, Special Assessment Conditions will be available and communicated explicitly with the standards.
Will there be any alternative ways to meet the corequisite?
The standards and assessments are designed to be as inclusive as possible for New Zealand’s diverse range of learners. In some cases, these standards may not be suitable for specific groups of people, for example, English Language Learners, tertiary settings, and transitional learners. If these standards are found not to be suitable for specific groups, there may be a limited range of alternative pathways. We are exploring these questions through the pilot of the standards this year.
I’m not an English or Maths teacher. How can I include literacy and numeracy in my teaching programme?
Each subject holds great opportunities for teaching literacy and numeracy concepts. The learning progression frameworks support a cross-curricular approach and we will develop a teaching, learning and assessment guide that will provide unique ideas from across curricula that learners experience, including in areas not included in the formalised curriculum, such as workplace-based learning.
Will the literacy requirement be enough to get to university?
We will work with Universities New Zealand to understand the relationship between the corequisite and university requirements. By default, the new standards will not meet the university entrance requirements for literacy.
Can I use e-asTTle, PaCT, or the Adult Learning Progression Frameworks to prepare for the changes?
Yes. All are progression tools that can be used to track progress against the standards. PaCT scores in the following bands may be at the level required of the standards:
- Reading: 750-850
- Writing: 800-900
- Numeracy: 750-850
The following steps from the Adult Learning Progression Frameworks for Literacy and Numeracy broadly match the benchmarks:
- Literacy: Step 4
- Numeracy: Step 5
What does the rephase of the NCEA Change Programme mean for the corequisite?
The rephasing has not impacted the pilot of the new NCEA Te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau | Literacy and Numeracy standards. The wider pilot is still going ahead as planned in 2022. The co-requisite is set to become a mandatory part of NCEA from 2024 onwards. This means that in 2024, learners doing NCEA Level 1 will need to complete 60 credits as well as the co-requisite to receive their NCEA. For more information, please see how NCEA requirements are changing.
What is a co-requisite? Is it different to a pre-requisite?
The new co-requisite for Te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau | Literacy & Numeracy is set to become a compulsory part of NCEA from 2024. This means that a learner must achieve the co-requisite standards in order to be formally awarded their NCEA qualification at any level. In other words, a learner will still be able to continue their NCEA learning while they work towards achieving the literacy and numeracy standards, though the learner will not be formally awarded their NCEA qualification until they have done so. This is what makes it a co-requisite and not a pre-requisite.
Why is this change happening now?
In 2018, as part of Kōrero Mātauranga, the Ministry undertook public engagement with a range of people including learners, teachers and leaders to review NCEA. We heard that literacy and numeracy needed to be strengthened as part of NCEA.
Why don’t we have oral language in the English-medium standards?
Oral language is currently part of the Māori-medium standards. Oral language is not part of the English-medium standards as there is currently no explicit Curriculum progression for this skill. We will continue to review the inclusion of oral language as the New Zealand Curriculum is refreshed.
Why are the standards at Curriculum Level 4/5?
The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has specified that level 2/3 of the Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC) is a good level of literacy and numeracy skill to have for participation in learning, life, and work. This broadly reflects Level 4/5 of the National Curriculum where a learner has control over Level 4 and is ready to work at Level 5.
What if my learner has a disability, or has a learning support need?
The standards and assessment are being designed to be inclusive where possible, and as with other assessments, Special Assessment Conditions will be available and communicated explicitly with the standards.
Will there be any alternative ways to meet the corequisite?
The standards and assessments are designed to be as inclusive as possible for New Zealand’s diverse range of learners. In some cases, these standards may not be suitable for specific groups of people, for example, English Language Learners, tertiary settings, and transitional learners. If these standards are found not to be suitable for specific groups, there may be a limited range of alternative pathways. We are exploring these questions through the pilot of the standards this year.
I’m not an English or Maths teacher. How can I include literacy and numeracy in my teaching programme?
Each subject holds great opportunities for teaching literacy and numeracy concepts. The learning progression frameworks support a cross-curricular approach and we will develop a teaching, learning and assessment guide that will provide unique ideas from across curricula that learners experience, including in areas not included in the formalised curriculum, such as workplace-based learning.
Will the literacy requirement be enough to get to university?
We will work with Universities New Zealand to understand the relationship between the corequisite and university requirements. By default, the new standards will not meet the university entrance requirements for literacy.
Can I use e-asTTle, PaCT, or the Adult Learning Progression Frameworks to prepare for the changes?
Yes. All are progression tools that can be used to track progress against the standards. PaCT scores in the following bands may be at the level required of the standards:
- Reading: 750-850
- Writing: 800-900
- Numeracy: 750-850
The following steps from the Adult Learning Progression Frameworks for Literacy and Numeracy broadly match the benchmarks:
- Literacy: Step 4
- Numeracy: Step 5