Draft for Pilot 2023 NCEA Level 1 achievement standards and The New Zealand Curriculum related subject materials are being published on this website in stages. As subject materials are published, it will be signalled on each subject page, under ‘Recent Changes’.
Ākonga involved in our NCEA Level 1 pilots can be assessed against these standards during 2023. Schools and kura nationally can use the draft for pilot materials to support planning for teaching and learning of Level 1 in 2024.
The Subject Learning tab, including the Learning Matrix, can be used with confidence to plan teaching and learning programmes for 2024.
We acknowledge the staged release of materials can create difficulties for planning. This work has taken longer than expected when our teams met with Level 1 pilot schools and kura in January. We apologise for the delay and the impact of uncertainty.
For some standards, further changes are anticipated to the assessment materials ahead of implementation in 2024. Where a further change is being considered to an achievement standard, we will signal this as early as possible to allow schools to build assessment activity into programmes.
Te Marautanga o Aotearoa and NZC Te Reo Māori draft for pilot 2023 materials were provided earlier in 2023.
Pilot ready achievement standards can only be used by registered pilot schools
From 2023 Te Ao Haka is offered as a subject across all three NCEA levels and University Entrance. Te Ao Haka standards are listed on the NZQA Directory of Assessment Standards for full use by all secondary schools and kura
Draft for Pilot 2023 NCEA Level 1 achievement standards and The New Zealand Curriculum related subject materials are being published on this website in stages. As subject materials are published, it will be signalled on each subject page, under ‘Recent Changes’.
Ākonga involved in our NCEA Level 1 pilots can be assessed against these standards during 2023. Schools and kura nationally can use the draft for pilot materials to support planning for teaching and learning of Level 1 in 2024.
The Subject Learning tab, including the Learning Matrix, can be used with confidence to plan teaching and learning programmes for 2024.
We acknowledge the staged release of materials can create difficulties for planning. This work has taken longer than expected when our teams met with Level 1 pilot schools and kura in January. We apologise for the delay and the impact of uncertainty.
For some standards, further changes are anticipated to the assessment materials ahead of implementation in 2024. Where a further change is being considered to an achievement standard, we will signal this as early as possible to allow schools to build assessment activity into programmes.
Te Marautanga o Aotearoa and NZC Te Reo Māori draft for pilot 2023 materials were provided earlier in 2023.
Pilot ready achievement standards can only be used by registered pilot schools
From 2023 Te Ao Haka is offered as a subject across all three NCEA levels and University Entrance. Te Ao Haka standards are listed on the NZQA Directory of Assessment Standards for full use by all secondary schools and kura