Te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau | Literacy and Numeracy 2021 pilot
In Terms 3 and 4 of the 2021 school year, we will be piloting the draft Te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau | Literacy and Numeracy standards with a diverse range of learners in 13 secondary schools, five kura and two tertiary providers across Aotearoa New Zealand.
Through the 2021 pilot, we aim to:
- refine and improve the standards so that they are clear and at the right level
- refine the assessment so that it is equitable, valid and robust
- understand how we can support the teaching and learning of Te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau | Literacy and Numeracy.
The Ministry of Education, NZQA, ERO and Tātai Angitu (Massey University) will work alongside each pilot participant to ensure they are supported, and so that the objectives of the pilot are achieved.
Hear about the experiences from three of the pilot schools:
Te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau | Literacy and Numeracy 2021 pilot
In Terms 3 and 4 of the 2021 school year, we will be piloting the draft Te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau | Literacy and Numeracy standards with a diverse range of learners in 13 secondary schools, five kura and two tertiary providers across Aotearoa New Zealand.
Through the 2021 pilot, we aim to:
- refine and improve the standards so that they are clear and at the right level
- refine the assessment so that it is equitable, valid and robust
- understand how we can support the teaching and learning of Te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau | Literacy and Numeracy.
The Ministry of Education, NZQA, ERO and Tātai Angitu (Massey University) will work alongside each pilot participant to ensure they are supported, and so that the objectives of the pilot are achieved.
Hear about the experiences from three of the pilot schools:
[ Video Resource ]
- Title: Kingslea School
- Description: NCEA Literacy and Numeracy pilot school: Kingslea School
- Video Duration: 2 minutes
- Video URL: https://player.vimeo.com/video/648782177
- Transcript: English Kingslea School has eight campuses
Kingslea School has eight campuses, and we work with youth justice residents' care and protection. And we also have some community schools. We work with some of the most disengaged children in New Zealand. Kingslea School decided to participate in this pilot because literacy and numeracy is the bread and butter for our students. In fact, it's the best gift we can give any of our students in the school. So with the new standards coming in we needed to be at the forefront so we can deliver the best education possible for our students.
So for our students, teaching here to get the best from them is about giving them high interest, real-life, context-based work that they can then relate to, and have some understanding of, so we can make it real for them, so we're getting the best work from them.
It's good to know how to write and read because in everyday life if you have a piece of paper you have to read that, something important you have to sign, you know how to write your own name, or whatever you want to sign. I don't really like numeracy but it is important, because you have to use it in everyday life. Like, you've got to count how much Weet-Bix you're putting in your bowl, how much money you've got in your wallet, how many things you've got to grab off the shelf or quantifying the amount you have to put in a bowl.
I think within our setting, being involved in the literacy numeracy pilot programme is really validating for our boys. They come from a mixture of backgrounds where they haven't always achieved in school. And I think for us to be able to be given the opportunity to ensure that they are getting their needs heard, and what's going to be important to them in their literacy and numeracy moving forward, and their NCEA programming, is to provide a real opportunity for them.
My advice to teachers who are starting these new standards next year: take a big, deep breath, open your mind, and look at the possibilities that you can actually give the students. Have a look at what students need to know at Level 1 of the curriculum and right through, and then how your programme can support that in both numeracy and literacy, and have fun with it.
Te reo Māori
E waru ngā Wharekura o te Kura o Kingslea, ā, ka mahi mātou me ngā kainoho a te manatika taiohi ki te tiaki me te whakamaru i a rātou. Tērā hoki ētahi o ō mātou kura hapori. Ka mahi mātou ki ētahi o ngā tamariki tino pahuhu i Aotearoa. I whakatau te Kura o Kingslea ki te whakauru atu ki tēnei pairete nā te mea ko te reo matatini me te reo pāngarau te parāoa me te pata mō ā mātou ākonga. Inā rā koinei kē hoki te taonga tino nui e taea ana e mātou te tuku ki ā mātou ākonga i te kura. Nā, nō te urunga mai o ngā paerewa hou, me tū mātou ki te ihu o te waka ka tika, kia taea ai e mātou te tuku i te mātauranga pai rawa mō ā mātou ākonga.
Nā, mō ā mātou ākonga, ko te tikanga o ngā mahi whakaako i konei ko te whakaputa i ngā mahi pai rawa i ngā ākonga, kia whiwhi rātou i ngā mahi aronga nui, ao tūturu, whai horopaki, e taea ai e rātou te tūhono atu, te whai mārama atu hoki, kia taea ai e mātou te whakarite kia tūturu ēnei mā rātou, otirā kia whiwhi I ngā mahi pai rawa i a rātou.
He pai tonu kia mōhio ki te tuhi me te pānui, nā te mea i ngā rā katoa o te orange kei a koe he pihi pepa, me pānui i tērā, tētahi mea hira hei waitohu rānei, otirā ki te tuhi i tō ingoa, tētahi atu mea rānei hei waitohu māhau. Kāore i tino pai ki a au te reo pāngarau, engari he mea nui tonu, i te mea me whakamahi i ia rā o tō oranga. Arā, me kaute koe i ō Wīti Piki, e raua ana e koe ki tō oko, te nui o te moni kei tō pūkoro moni, e hia ngā mea hei kapo ake i te whata, te kaute rānei i te nui hei rau atu ki te oko.
Ki ōku whakaaro, i roto i tā mātou horopaki, ko te whai wāhi atu ki te hōtaka pairete i te reo matatini me te reo pāngarau, he mea tino whakamana i ā mātou tama. I ahu mai hoki rātou i ngā takenga huhua, otirā kāore rātou i tino eke i te kura. Nō mātou te whiwhi kia whai wāhi ki te tuku i te āheinga ki a rātou kia rangona ō rātou hiahia, otirā ko te mea tino nui hoki kia noho tēnei hei āheinga tūturu mō rātou ki te taha o tō rātou reo matatini, reo pāngarau, ahu whakamua, otirā me ā rātou hōtaka NCEA.
Ko aku tohutohu ki ngā kaiako ka tīmata hou ai i ēnei paerewa hou ā tērā tau: kia nui, ka kaha te whakangā, whakatuwheratia ō mahara, ā, ka tiro ki ngā āheinga ka taea e koe te tuku ki ngā ākonga. Tirohia ngā mea e tika ana kia mōhio ngā ākonga i te Taumata 1 o te marautanga, puta noa hoki, ā, me te āhua o te tautoko o tō hōtaka i tērā, ki te taha o te reo pāngarau me te reo matatini, otirā kia pārekareka tonu hoki.
[ Video Resource ]
- Title: Rolleston College
- Description: NCEA Literacy and Numeracy pilot school: Rolleston College
- Video Duration: 3 minutes
- Video URL: https://player.vimeo.com/video/648784809
- Transcript: English We decided to be part of the pilot programme because we really want to be part of shaping the future of literacy and numeracy for our students and make sure that we're ahead of the game in terms of preparing our students for these changes that are coming up in their future. Literacy and numeracy for me means just being able to survive in the world. So literacy
We decided to be part of the pilot programme because we really want to be part of shaping the future of literacy and numeracy for our students and make sure that we're ahead of the game in terms of preparing our students for these changes that are coming up in their future.
Literacy and numeracy for me means just being able to survive in the world. So literacy, being able to read, write, use the tools that are available to you for that. Numeracy, on the other hand, it's about being able to use Maths. So it includes number. It includes being able to measure, estimate, to read the newspapers and to be able to understand the statistics that are getting thrown at you.
Even buying things at the supermarket, you know, without your addition, your basic addition skills and your basic subtraction skills so that you can function as a member of society.
We think that the changes to how students are assessed against literacy are really good and forward thinking. It's a great opportunity for our learners to show that they've got a solid foundation in literacy and numeracy. So Rolleston College, we teach literacy and numeracy throughout all of our courses here at the college. We think it's really important because literacy and numeracy underpin all of the subjects.
For our Year 9s and 10s we have Maths, English, Science and Social Science all mixed in together. So the one class will work with four teachers that specialise in those areas to look at real-life applications and to do some of the basic skills as well. And on top of that, we have an individual once-a-week numeracy or literacy class, which is a smaller group of learners, and they will focus in on some of the basic skills that they may be lacking in or just to do some extra practice. Examples for examples' sake that we've done in the past when you're teaching traditionally are not great. It actually needs to be something that they can relate to themselves.
I have used numeracy recently. I have done budgeting in an EOTC camp where we design our own camp and we have to budget. We have to schedule and design basically the whole camp.
They do all the budgeting. They work out all the activities that need to be done and they have to work out the timeline. They do everything; it’s all combined in that one project.
It was quite an eye-opener to different jobs that may also use numeracy in day-to-day life.
And the best ones actually get put to the learners and they get to choose and they actually go on the camp at the end of the year, which has been completely planned by a group of learners.
Schools should be preparing by really starting to think about implementing that school-wide approach. So if you haven't thought about it already, looking at your programmes, looking at where you could put in some targeted literacy and numeracy.
It's really important that it's not just you as the Maths department or the English department, that you actually get all the teachers on board so that when they are teaching the skills that they need, that they're teaching them correctly.
Te reo Māori
I whakatau mātou kia uru mai ki te hōtaka pairete nā te mea i tino hiahia mātou kia whai wāhi ake ki te hanganga o te anamata o te reo matatini me te reo pāngarau mā ā mātou ākonga me te whakarite anō kei mua tātou e haere ana ki te taha o te whakarite i ā mātou ākonga mō ēnei panonitanga e whanga mai ana i tō rātou anamata.
Mōku ake, ko te reo matatini me te reo pāngarau ko tō kaha ki te noho i roto i te ao tūroa. Nā ko te reo matatini, ko te āhei ki te pānui, te tuhituhi me te whakamahi i ngā utauta e wātea ana ki a koe mō tērā. Waihoki, ko te reo pāngarau, ko te whakamahi i te Pāngarau. Ka uru ko te tau. Ko uru hoki te āhei ki te ine, te whakatau tata, te pānui niupepa, otirā kia mārama ai ki ngā tauanga e whiua atu ana ki a koe.
Tatū noa ki te hook kai i te hokomaha, arā, ki te kore te mahi tāpiri, ō pūkenga tāpiri taketake, me ō pūkenga tango taketake, kua kore koe e mahi tika hei mema o te porihanga.
E whakaaro ana mātou ko ngā panonitanga ki te āhua aromatawai I ngā ākonga atu ki te reo matatini, he tino pai otirā he anga whakamua. He āheinga nui mō ā mātou ākonga ki te whakaatu he tūāpapa pakari tō rātou i roto i te reo matatini me te reo pāngarau. I te Kāreti o Rolleston, ka whakaako mātou i te reo matatini me te reo pāngarau puta noa i ā mātou akoranga katoa i konei i te kāreti. E whakaaro ana mātou he take tino hira tēnei nā te mea e noho tūāpapa ana te reo matatini me te reo pāngarau ki ngā kaupapa ako katoa.
Mō ā mātou ākonga Tau 9 me te 10, te Ingarihi, te Pūtaiao me te Tikanga ā-Iwi kua hanumi kia kotahi. Nā reira ka mahi te akomanga kotahi ki ngā kaiako e whā e noho mātanga ana i aua Kaupapa ki te tiro ki ngā whakatinanatanga ao tūturu me te mahi anō hoki i ētahi o ngā pūkenga taketake. Tāpiri ki tērā, tērā hoki ā mātou akomanga takitahi, ka whakahaeretia ia wiki, mō te reo pāngarau me te reo matatini, otirā he rōpū iti o ngā ākonga, ā, ka arotahi rātou ki ētahi o ngā pūkenga taketake kāore pea i a rātou, ki te whakangungu haere tonu rānei. Ko ngā tauira, mō ngā tauira noa iho te take, kua oti i a mātou i mua mēnā kāore i tino paii a koe e whakaako ana mā te āhua o mua rawa. Engari ko te āhua e tika ana mō aua mea ko tētahi mea e taea e rātou te whirinaki atu.
I whakamahi au i te reo pāngarau i ngā rā tata nei. Kua oti i a au te mahi mahere pūtea I tētahi noho puni EOTC otirā he wāhi e hoahoa ai mātou i tā mātou ake noho puni, ā, me whakarite mahere pūtea mātou. Me whakarite, me hoahoa i te noho puni katoa. Ka mahi rātou I ngā mahere pūtea katoa.
Ka whakarite rātou i ngā mahi katoa me oti ā, me oti i a rātou te wātaka. Ko rātou kei te mahi i ngā mahi katoa; kua whakakotahitia i roto i taua kaupapa kotahi.
He tino rerekē ki ētahi atu mahi e whakamahi nei i te reo pāngarau, i ngā mahi o ia rā. Ā, ko ngā mea pai rawa ka whakahokia anō ki ngā ākonga ā, ko tā rātou he whiriwhiri ā, ka haere rātou ki taua noho puni i te mutunga o te tau, kua oti kē te whakarite katoa e tētahi rōpū ākonga.
Me noho rite ngā kura mā te tīmata ki te tino whai whakairo ki te whakatinana i taua huarahi ki te kura whānui. Nō reira mēnā kāore anō kia whai whakaaro koe ki tērā, te tiro ki ō hōtaka, te tiro ki hea e taea ai te whakauru i ētahi mahi e hāngai pū ana ki te reo matatini me te reo pāngarau.
He take tino nui kia kaua e noho kia koe anake tērā mahi i te mea ko koe te tari Pāngarau te tari Ingarihi rānei, engari kia whai wāhi katoa ngā kaiako katoa ki tēnei Kaupapa nā, i te wā e whakaako ana i ngā pūkenga e hiahia ana rātou, e tika ana tā rātou whakaako.
[ Video Resource ]
- Title: Cashmere High School
- Description: NCEA Numeracy pilot school: Cashmere High School
- Video Duration: 3 minutes
- Video URL: https://player.vimeo.com/video/648825070
- Transcript: English At Cashmere
At Cashmere, we decided to be involved in the pilot, get a head start on those changes that are coming. So we wanted to be involved.
So numeracy to me is the ability for students, or anyone really, to be able to interweave together process and content ideas from Mathematics and Statistics in a meaningful way that allows them to thrive later on in life.
Numeracy, for us, means that our students are given the tools to function in the real world, be critical and engaged and work their money and do the things that life involves. We don't want them to be held back because they lack those skills. We want them to thrive in the real world.
One of the most useful numeracy skills that we've learnt this year has been Statistics. For instance, in the news, a lot there's a lot of graphs with COVID around. Also in other subjects like Science or Social Studies, it's been really handy.
This year, for numeracy, we've been looking at some Trigonometry, some Stats, some Algebra, because a lot of jobs do need Maths.
Students before were able to gain numeracy, perhaps only being really confident in a few areas of numeracy and so they would miss certain parts of that, but still go off with that tick in the numeracy box, which perhaps didn't really, truly reflect how ready they were for the big wide world afterwards.
So the changes for numeracy for us give a real indication that students will cope with life. It’s that foundational level where they're going to be prepared and so this feels like it's really open, it's really clear. Everyone will understand what their benchmark is.
In my context, we like to make it a little bit more applicable to their everyday lives. And I like to be able to link it to other things that they're doing around the school, so other curriculum areas or perhaps to their extracurricular activities as well.
I use that a lot in music and that would be finding the tempo of things or time signatures or note lengths.
You've got a chance to introduce your students to something a little bit earlier with a lot less risk perhaps involved otherwise. Make sure that you keep a really open mind about it. Make sure that you're positive about it. It's not necessarily going to be a whole lot more work. It might just be about adapting the way that you do things.
Te reo Māori
I Cashmere, i whakatau mātou kia whai wāhi atu ki te pairete, i whakatū i tō mātou ringa ki te whakamātautau. He āheinga tēnei ki te āhua whiwhi tīmatanga wawe ki ētahi o aua panonitanga e takatū mai ana. Nā reira mātou i hiahia kia whai wāhi ake.
Nā, ko te reo pāngarau ki a au ko te āhei o ngā ākonga, te katoa rānei, ki te tuitui haere I ngā tukanga me ngā ariā o te Pāngarau me te Tauanga i tētahi huarahi whaikiko e āhei ai rātou kia tōnui ai i te roanga o tō rātou ao.
Ko te reo pāngarau, mō mātou, ko te tikanga ka whiwhi ā mātou ākonga ki ngā utauta e taea ai e rātou te mahi i roto i te ao tūroa, kia arohaehae, kia whakauru hoki, me te whakamahi i ā rātou moni me te mahi i ngā mahi ka whai wāhi ake ki te ao. Kāore mātou i te hiahia kia puritia rātou, nā te korenga i a rātou aua pūkenga. E hiahia ana mātou kia tōnui ai rātou i roto i te ao tūroa.
Ko tētahi o ngā pūkenga reo pāngarau tino whaihua kua ako mātou i tēnei tau ko te Tauanga. Hei tauira, i ngā pūrongo kōrero, he nui ngā kauwhata ka whakaaturia nā te KOWHEORI. Tatū noa ki ētahi atu Kaupapa ako pēnei i te Pūtaiao, te Tikanga-a-Iwi rānei, he pūkenga whaihua.
I tēnei tau, mō te reo pāngarau, i te tiro mātou ki ētahi mahi Pākoki, ētahi Tauanga, me te Taurangi, i te mea he nui ngā tūranga mahi me whiwhi rawa i te Pāngarau.
I mua, i whiwhi ngā ākonga i te reo pāngarau, engari i he ruarua noa pea ngā wāhanga o te reo pāngarau i tino māia ai rātouā, kāore i whai wāhi atu ki ētahi wāhanga o tērā, engari i whiwhi tonu i te tohu i roto i te pouaka reo pāngarau, kāore tonu pea i tino, whakaata tūturu i te rite mō te ao nui, ao whānui i muri ake nei.
Nā ko ngā panonitanga mō mātou e tuku ana i tētahi tino tohu e taea ana e ngā ākonga te noho i tēnei ao. Ko te wāhi e noho rite ai rātou ko te taumata tūāpapa, ā, ko te āhua nei he āhuatanga tuwhera tēnei, e tino mārama ana. Ka mārama i te katoa kei hea tō rātou paerewa.
I taku horopaki, he pai ki a matou te hanga kia āhua whai panga ki ō rātou ao o ia rā. Ā, e pai hoki ki a au kia whai hononga ki ētahi atu āhuatanga e mahi ana rātou puta noa i te kura, arā, ētahi atu wāhanga marautanga, ki ētahi atu mahi i waho o te marautanga rānei.
He nui ngā wā ka whakamahi au i tērā i roto i te puoro, arā ko te kimi I te tere o ngā āhuatanga, ngā waitohu wā, te roa rānei o ngā oro.
Ka whai wāhi koe ki te whakataki tōmua i ō ākonga ki ētahi āhuatanga me te kore hoki e nui ngā mōreareatanga. Me tuwhera tonu ngā whakaaro mō aua mea. Me wairua pai hoki. Ehara i te mea ka nui kē atu ngā mahi. Ākene pea ko te urutau i te āhua o ō mahi.
Standards and assessment used for the pilot
Below are the standards and assessment products that are being used for the pilot. These products will be refined based on what we hear from pilot participants. They will continue to be refined in 2022 so that, by the time the new standards become mandatory in 2023, we have a strong understanding of what will work well for learners.
Learning matrices and standards
Click on the links below for the standards and learning matrices that will be used during the pilot:
The following are PDF copies of the assessment specifications and portfolio guidance. These documents will only be used by the pilot participants and will be updated following this year’s pilot.
The assessment specifications set out the format of the assessment, so that you have an indication of what to expect during the assessment period and how to begin to organise logistics around this.
Assessment Specifications:
Standards and assessment used for the pilot
Below are the standards and assessment products that are being used for the pilot. These products will be refined based on what we hear from pilot participants. They will continue to be refined in 2022 so that, by the time the new standards become mandatory in 2023, we have a strong understanding of what will work well for learners.
Learning matrices and standards
Click on the links below for the standards and learning matrices that will be used during the pilot:
The following are PDF copies of the assessment specifications and portfolio guidance. These documents will only be used by the pilot participants and will be updated following this year’s pilot.
The assessment specifications set out the format of the assessment, so that you have an indication of what to expect during the assessment period and how to begin to organise logistics around this.
Assessment Specifications:
Document List: [{"file_url":"https:\/\/ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com\/s3fs-public\/2021-10\/Assessment%20Specification%202021%20Literacy%20%26%20Numeracy%20Pilot%20%E2%80%93%20Literacy%20-%20Reading_0.pdf?VersionId=cl4ut2OBvjUgZsfOnw5e_hXd0pyHRBzh","file_size":261130},{"file_url":"https:\/\/ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com\/s3fs-public\/2021-10\/Assessment%20Specification%202021%20Literacy%20%26%20Numeracy%20Pilot%20%E2%80%93%20Literacy%20%28Writing%29%2032405.pdf?VersionId=rLVIMkUOhznB1Gp68E.68YxGaDv6TUn1","file_size":260671},{"file_url":"https:\/\/ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com\/s3fs-public\/2021-10\/Assessment%20Specification%202021%20Literacy%20%26%20Numeracy%20Pilot%20%E2%80%93%20Numeracy%2032406.pdf?VersionId=HnzNbfsDw_1Cxp3_9yFCe0Xn.3d5GgTS","file_size":260484},{"file_url":"https:\/\/ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com\/s3fs-public\/2021-10\/Assessment%20Specifications%202021%20Literacy%20Numeracy%20Pilot%20Te%20Reo%20Matatini%2032414.pdf?VersionId=SkCBnXparLNsETBPqOOeLTaVxNjpxAxU","file_size":313661},{"file_url":"https:\/\/ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com\/s3fs-public\/2021-10\/Assessment%20Specification%202021%20Literacy%20%26%20Numeracy%20Pilot%20%E2%80%93%20P%C4%81ngarau%2032412.pdf?VersionId=O_bwbejZsiVTiUa1QxLF0q1qFkgxp6PG","file_size":308732}]
Documents Count: 5
[ File Resource ]
- Title: Reading
- File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2021-10/Assessment%20Specification%202021%20Literacy%20%26%20Numeracy%20Pilot%20%E2%80%93%20Literacy%20-%20Reading_0.pdf?VersionId=cl4ut2OBvjUgZsfOnw5e_hXd0pyHRBzh
- File Extension: pdf
- File Size: 255KB
- Reading.pdf
[ File Resource ]
- Title: Writing
- File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2021-10/Assessment%20Specification%202021%20Literacy%20%26%20Numeracy%20Pilot%20%E2%80%93%20Literacy%20%28Writing%29%2032405.pdf?VersionId=rLVIMkUOhznB1Gp68E.68YxGaDv6TUn1
- File Extension: pdf
- File Size: 255KB
- Writing.pdf
[ File Resource ]
- Title: Numeracy
- File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2021-10/Assessment%20Specification%202021%20Literacy%20%26%20Numeracy%20Pilot%20%E2%80%93%20Numeracy%2032406.pdf?VersionId=HnzNbfsDw_1Cxp3_9yFCe0Xn.3d5GgTS
- File Extension: pdf
- File Size: 254KB
- Numeracy.pdf
[ File Resource ]
- Title: Te Reo Matatini
- File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2021-10/Assessment%20Specifications%202021%20Literacy%20Numeracy%20Pilot%20Te%20Reo%20Matatini%2032414.pdf?VersionId=SkCBnXparLNsETBPqOOeLTaVxNjpxAxU
- File Extension: pdf
- File Size: 306KB
- Te Reo Matatini.pdf
[ File Resource ]
- Title: Pāngarau
- File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2021-10/Assessment%20Specification%202021%20Literacy%20%26%20Numeracy%20Pilot%20%E2%80%93%20P%C4%81ngarau%2032412.pdf?VersionId=O_bwbejZsiVTiUa1QxLF0q1qFkgxp6PG
- File Extension: pdf
- File Size: 301KB
- Pāngarau.pdf
[ File Resource ]
- Title: Reading
- File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2021-10/Assessment%20Specification%202021%20Literacy%20%26%20Numeracy%20Pilot%20%E2%80%93%20Literacy%20-%20Reading_0.pdf?VersionId=cl4ut2OBvjUgZsfOnw5e_hXd0pyHRBzh
- File Extension: pdf
- File Size: 255KB
- Reading.pdf
[ File Resource ]
- Title: Writing
- File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2021-10/Assessment%20Specification%202021%20Literacy%20%26%20Numeracy%20Pilot%20%E2%80%93%20Literacy%20%28Writing%29%2032405.pdf?VersionId=rLVIMkUOhznB1Gp68E.68YxGaDv6TUn1
- File Extension: pdf
- File Size: 255KB
- Writing.pdf
[ File Resource ]
- Title: Numeracy
- File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2021-10/Assessment%20Specification%202021%20Literacy%20%26%20Numeracy%20Pilot%20%E2%80%93%20Numeracy%2032406.pdf?VersionId=HnzNbfsDw_1Cxp3_9yFCe0Xn.3d5GgTS
- File Extension: pdf
- File Size: 254KB
- Numeracy.pdf
[ File Resource ]
- Title: Te Reo Matatini
- File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2021-10/Assessment%20Specifications%202021%20Literacy%20Numeracy%20Pilot%20Te%20Reo%20Matatini%2032414.pdf?VersionId=SkCBnXparLNsETBPqOOeLTaVxNjpxAxU
- File Extension: pdf
- File Size: 306KB
- Te Reo Matatini.pdf
[ File Resource ]
- Title: Pāngarau
- File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2021-10/Assessment%20Specification%202021%20Literacy%20%26%20Numeracy%20Pilot%20%E2%80%93%20P%C4%81ngarau%2032412.pdf?VersionId=O_bwbejZsiVTiUa1QxLF0q1qFkgxp6PG
- File Extension: pdf
- File Size: 301KB
- Pāngarau.pdf
Portfolio guidance:
The portfolio guidance provides information on the collection of evidence for portfolio assessment of te reo matatini me te pāngarau:
Portfolio guidance:
The portfolio guidance provides information on the collection of evidence for portfolio assessment of te reo matatini me te pāngarau:
Document List: [{"file_url":"https:\/\/ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com\/s3fs-public\/2021-10\/Portfolio%20Guidance%202021%20Pilot%20-%20Te%20Reo%20Matatini.pdf?VersionId=rbJarUlRm3JJ_nmgbiwEgJLjri5w6Iii","file_size":527352},{"file_url":"https:\/\/ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com\/s3fs-public\/2021-10\/Portfolio%20Guidance%202021%20Pilot%20-%20P%C4%81ngarau.pdf?VersionId=0cMnShaymZUdZNO0U2uw_YxeXcHLvLBJ","file_size":827314}]
Documents Count: 2
[ File Resource ]
- Title: Te Reo Matatini
- File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2021-10/Portfolio%20Guidance%202021%20Pilot%20-%20Te%20Reo%20Matatini.pdf?VersionId=rbJarUlRm3JJ_nmgbiwEgJLjri5w6Iii
- File Extension: pdf
- File Size: 515KB
- Te Reo Matatini.pdf
[ File Resource ]
- Title: Pāngarau
- File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2021-10/Portfolio%20Guidance%202021%20Pilot%20-%20P%C4%81ngarau.pdf?VersionId=0cMnShaymZUdZNO0U2uw_YxeXcHLvLBJ
- File Extension: pdf
- File Size: 808KB
- Pāngarau.pdf
[ File Resource ]
- Title: Te Reo Matatini
- File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2021-10/Portfolio%20Guidance%202021%20Pilot%20-%20Te%20Reo%20Matatini.pdf?VersionId=rbJarUlRm3JJ_nmgbiwEgJLjri5w6Iii
- File Extension: pdf
- File Size: 515KB
- Te Reo Matatini.pdf
[ File Resource ]
- Title: Pāngarau
- File URL: https://ncea-live-3-storagestack-53q-assetstorages3bucket-2o21xte0r81u.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2021-10/Portfolio%20Guidance%202021%20Pilot%20-%20P%C4%81ngarau.pdf?VersionId=0cMnShaymZUdZNO0U2uw_YxeXcHLvLBJ
- File Extension: pdf
- File Size: 808KB
- Pāngarau.pdf
The following is a link to sample assessment items for the Common Assessment Activity (CAA). We will continue to update, refine, and improve assessment items as we learn from the 2021 and 2022 pilot.
These sample assessment items provide an opportunity for you to engage with the digital assessment interface, and get a feel for the types of questions that may be asked in the CAA. The sample assessment items are samples only and are not indicative of the length of the CAA. They also do not reflect the full breadth of question types and contexts that learners will be given during the real assessment. (For example, the pāngarau standard will require learners to submit written responses in te reo Māori.)
The sample assessment items can be viewed on Google Chrome or Safari:
Sample assessment items: Reading
Sample assessment items: Writing
Sample assessment items: Numeracy
Sample assessment items: Te Reo Matatini
Sample assessment items: Pāngarau
Pilot participants
The schools taking part in the 2021 pilot are as below:
The following is a link to sample assessment items for the Common Assessment Activity (CAA). We will continue to update, refine, and improve assessment items as we learn from the 2021 and 2022 pilot.
These sample assessment items provide an opportunity for you to engage with the digital assessment interface, and get a feel for the types of questions that may be asked in the CAA. The sample assessment items are samples only and are not indicative of the length of the CAA. They also do not reflect the full breadth of question types and contexts that learners will be given during the real assessment. (For example, the pāngarau standard will require learners to submit written responses in te reo Māori.)
The sample assessment items can be viewed on Google Chrome or Safari:
Sample assessment items: Reading
Sample assessment items: Writing
Sample assessment items: Numeracy
Sample assessment items: Te Reo Matatini
Sample assessment items: Pāngarau
Pilot participants
The schools taking part in the 2021 pilot are as below:
Pilot Participant Schools
School |
Aorere College |
Ara Polytechnic |
Botany Downs Secondary College |
Cashmere High School |
Dilworth School |
Francis Douglas Memorial College |
James Cook High School |
Kingslea School |
People Potential |
Pukekohe High School |
Rolleston College |
South Westland Area School |
Taita College |
Tangaroa College |
Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ngā Mokopuna |
Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Kura Kokiri |
Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Wairarapa |
Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Whakarewa i te reo ki Tūwharetoa |
Te Wharekura o Manurewa |
Western Heights High School |
School |
Aorere College |
Ara Polytechnic |
Botany Downs Secondary College |
Cashmere High School |
Dilworth School |
Francis Douglas Memorial College |
James Cook High School |
Kingslea School |
People Potential |
Pukekohe High School |
Rolleston College |
South Westland Area School |
Taita College |
Tangaroa College |
Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ngā Mokopuna |
Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Kura Kokiri |
Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Wairarapa |
Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Whakarewa i te reo ki Tūwharetoa |
Te Wharekura o Manurewa |
Western Heights High School |
Frequently asked questions
Please visit our frequently asked questions for additional information.
Frequently asked questions
Please visit our frequently asked questions for additional information.