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Te tūāpapa o te mana ōrite: Foundations of equal status

Me titiro whakamuri, kia kōkiri whakamua.
In order to move forward, we must look back.

Change 2 of the NCEA Change Programme – Mana ōrite mō te mātauranga Māori – is history in the making. It represents one of the most significant paradigm shifts in the history of NCEA. It requires the sector to understand our past and how it impacts our present in order to create a better future for all learners. This first toolkit of resources is designed to help kaiako, whānau and the wider education community understand how colonisation has oppressed Māori knowledges and harmed Māori learners.

Watch or listen to these resources and find supplementary resources to support your learning journey.

Me titiro whakamuri, kia kōkiri whakamua.
In order to move forward, we must look back.

Change 2 of the NCEA Change Programme – Mana ōrite mō te mātauranga Māori – is history in the making. It represents one of the most significant paradigm shifts in the history of NCEA. It requires the sector to understand our past and how it impacts our present in order to create a better future for all learners. This first toolkit of resources is designed to help kaiako, whānau and the wider education community understand how colonisation has oppressed Māori knowledges and harmed Māori learners.

Watch or listen to these resources and find supplementary resources to support your learning journey.

[ Heading ]

Webisode 1 - What is Mana ōrite mō te mātauranga Māori

In this webisode, you’ll learn:

  • what Mana ōrite mō te mātauranga Māori means in the context of the NCEA Change Programme
  • why this change is important in relation to Te Tiriti o Waitangi
  • how colonisation has shaped the education system in Aotearoa New Zealand
  • what authentic application of Mana ōrite looks like in practice.

In this webisode, you’ll learn:

  • what Mana ōrite mō te mātauranga Māori means in the context of the NCEA Change Programme
  • why this change is important in relation to Te Tiriti o Waitangi
  • how colonisation has shaped the education system in Aotearoa New Zealand
  • what authentic application of Mana ōrite looks like in practice.

[ Video Resource ]

  • Title: What is mana ōrite mō te mātauranga Māori?
  • Description: We explore what Mana ōrite mō te mātauranga Māori - Equal Status for mātauranga Māori actually is in the NCEA change package.
  • Video Duration: 17 minutes
  • Video URL:
  • Transcript: English Nau mai

[ Audio Resource ]

  • Title: Podcast 1 – What is Mana ōrite mō te mātauranga Māori?
  • Description: Listen to a podcast of Webisode 1 here:
  • Audio File Type: mp3
  • Audio File Size: 16MB
  • Audio URL:
  • Transcript: English Nau mai

Supplementary Resource 1 – My reflection and growth journey: Mana ōrite

Supplementary Resource 1 – My reflection and growth journey: Mana ōrite

[ Multiple File Download ]

Document List: [{"file_url":"https:\/\/\/s3fs-public\/2022-11\/SuppRes1_PRINT.pdf?VersionId=uWJJISOIIleIt8o22HnQdIhJnNoR_mtV","file_size":704896},{"file_url":"https:\/\/\/s3fs-public\/2022-11\/SuppRes1_PDF_2.pdf?VersionId=I.vQF5qWT6vFtDzR5EZcX9n89F1qG6qB","file_size":2066000}]

Documents Count: 2

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Print File
  • File URL:
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 688KB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Interactive File
  • File URL:
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 2MB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Print File
  • File URL:
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 688KB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Interactive File
  • File URL:
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 2MB
[ Heading ]

Webisode 2 – What is mātauranga Māori?

In this webisode, you’ll learn:

  • about the history of Aotearoa New Zealand in order to inform a better future
  • how colonisation has informed our education system and discredited Māori knowledges
  • which key events throughout colonisation continue to impact the education system and suppress mātauranga Māori
  • the foundational concepts that inform mātauranga Māori.

In this webisode, you’ll learn:

  • about the history of Aotearoa New Zealand in order to inform a better future
  • how colonisation has informed our education system and discredited Māori knowledges
  • which key events throughout colonisation continue to impact the education system and suppress mātauranga Māori
  • the foundational concepts that inform mātauranga Māori.

[ Video Resource ]

  • Title: What is mātauranga Māori?
  • Description: We share what has happened in the past, and how that might look in the present—All while thinking about the change we are wanting to make for the future.
  • Video Duration: 21 minutes
  • Video URL:
  • Transcript: English Kia ora mai anō rā and welcome back to another episode of our webseries Mana ōrite mō te mātauranga Māori - Equal status for mātauranga Māori Where we continue to explore what this means within the NCEA package. This package of tools is designed to support sector readiness by supporting you our nations educators. You told us you needed the tools to enable you to practically apply this mātauranga in the classroom as well as more kōrero (discussions) around mana ōrite mō te mātauranga Māori. You as the educators of our future generations

[ Audio Resource ]

  • Title: Podcast 2 – What is mātauranga Māori?
  • Description: Listen to a podcast of Webisode 2 here:
  • Audio File Type: mp3
  • Audio File Size: 20MB
  • Audio URL:
  • Transcript: English Kia ora mai anō rā and welcome back to another episode of our webseries Mana ōrite mō te mātauranga Māori - Equal status for mātauranga Māori Where we continue to explore what this means within the NCEA package. This package of tools is designed to support sector readiness by supporting you our nations educators. You told us you needed the tools to enable you to practically apply this mātauranga in the classroom as well as more kōrero (discussions) around mana ōrite mō te mātauranga Māori. You as the educators of our future generations

Supplementary Resource 2 – My reflection and growth journey: mātauranga Māori

Supplementary Resource 2 – My reflection and growth journey: mātauranga Māori

[ Multiple File Download ]

Document List: [{"file_url":"https:\/\/\/s3fs-public\/2022-11\/SuppRes2_PRINT_0.pdf?VersionId=mpuTKUqvsGFnx0s9B8LxpK7j.ihkoSfF","file_size":1601646},{"file_url":"https:\/\/\/s3fs-public\/2022-11\/SuppRes2_PDF_0.pdf?VersionId=CqArU579h0hIcFKpZmuZvihqVcdXDyRU","file_size":1738049}]

Documents Count: 2

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Print File
  • File URL:
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 2MB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Interactive File
  • File URL:
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 2MB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Print File
  • File URL:
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 2MB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Interactive File
  • File URL:
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 2MB
[ Heading ]

Webinar 1 – What is Mana ōrite mō te mātauranga Māori?

These webinar recordings dive deeper into the kaupapa discussed in the first two webisodes. With the help of Mana ōrite experts, kaiako reflect on their learning so far and ask questions to clarify the themes discussed in the webisodes.

These webinar recordings dive deeper into the kaupapa discussed in the first two webisodes. With the help of Mana ōrite experts, kaiako reflect on their learning so far and ask questions to clarify the themes discussed in the webisodes.

[ Video Resource ]

  • Title: What is Mana ōrite mō te mātauranga Māori?
  • Description: This webinar recording dives deeper into the kaupapa discussed in the first two webisodes.
  • Video Duration: 64 minutes
  • Video URL:
  • Transcript: English Nau mai

Webinar 1 Supplementary Resource – Readiness reflection and cultural audit

Webinar 1 Supplementary Resource – Readiness reflection and cultural audit

[ Multiple File Download ]

Document List: [{"file_url":"https:\/\/\/s3fs-public\/2022-11\/SuppResWEBINAR1_PRINT_0.pdf?VersionId=uEuyMrtDZo5JteGB6x_KdGVa1rKiDpU0","file_size":5051944},{"file_url":"https:\/\/\/s3fs-public\/2022-11\/SuppResWEBINAR1_PDF_0.pdf?VersionId=1Y1qSjlp.DKoDtbh2abLqKsydk8HEWa7","file_size":14074898}]

Documents Count: 2

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Print File
  • File URL:
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 5MB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Interactive File
  • File URL:
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 13MB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Print File
  • File URL:
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 5MB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Interactive File
  • File URL:
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 13MB