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Te taura here tangata: Building key relationships

Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi; engari taku toa, he toa takitini.

My success does not only come from me as an individual, but indeed comes from the collective efforts of the many.

A system-wide change requires community-wide thinking. In this toolkit of resources, kaiako, whānau and the wider education community will learn how to build relationships in te ao Māori contexts, the importance of connecting with local whānau, hapū and iwi, and how to nurture and sustain these relationships.

Watch or listen to these resources and find supplementary resources to support your learning journey.

Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi; engari taku toa, he toa takitini.

My success does not only come from me as an individual, but indeed comes from the collective efforts of the many.

A system-wide change requires community-wide thinking. In this toolkit of resources, kaiako, whānau and the wider education community will learn how to build relationships in te ao Māori contexts, the importance of connecting with local whānau, hapū and iwi, and how to nurture and sustain these relationships.

Watch or listen to these resources and find supplementary resources to support your learning journey.

[ Heading ]

Webisode 5 – Building relationships from the ground up

In this webisode, you’ll learn:

  • how to build, nurture and sustain authentic relationships with the wider hapori (community)
  • why connecting with local iwi, hapū, whānau and hapori is beneficial for Māori learning outcomes
  • how these relationships can be reciprocal and benefit the hapori as a whole.

In this webisode, you’ll learn:

  • how to build, nurture and sustain authentic relationships with the wider hapori (community)
  • why connecting with local iwi, hapū, whānau and hapori is beneficial for Māori learning outcomes
  • how these relationships can be reciprocal and benefit the hapori as a whole.

[ Video Resource ]

  • Title: Building relationships from the ground up
  • Description: We look closely at how to build authentic relationships with wider ākonga hapori, including local marae, hapū and iwi.
  • Video Duration: 21 minutes
  • Video URL:
  • Transcript: English Whakapiri mai

[ Audio Resource ]

  • Title: Building relationships from the ground up
  • Description: Listen to a podcast of Webisode 5 here:
  • Audio File Type: mp3
  • Audio File Size: 20MB
  • Audio URL:
  • Transcript: English Whakapiri mai

Supplementary Resource 5 – Wānanga reflection and planning tool

Support your learning from Webisode 5 with this supplementary resource:

Supplementary Resource 5 – Wānanga reflection and planning tool

Support your learning from Webisode 5 with this supplementary resource:

[ Multiple File Download ]

Document List: [{"file_url":"https:\/\/\/s3fs-public\/2022-11\/SuppRes5_PRINT_0.pdf?VersionId=ceoMr9KfAKwt8YPa7J53mZtwtYKbljpb","file_size":1486981},{"file_url":"https:\/\/\/s3fs-public\/2022-11\/SuppRes5_PDF_0.pdf?VersionId=scehU16kU9ak620aTJT0YAVXRRUsFlS5","file_size":2593287}]

Documents Count: 2

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Print File
  • File URL:
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 1MB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Interactive File
  • File URL:
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 2MB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Print File
  • File URL:
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 1MB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Interactive File
  • File URL:
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 2MB
[ Heading ]

Webisode 6 – Foundational networking to find the right support

In this webisode you’ll learn about:

  • MoE and non-MoE networks who can provide support
  • regionally allocated PLD services
  • subject association PLD services
  • kuia and kaumatua support.

In this webisode you’ll learn about:

  • MoE and non-MoE networks who can provide support
  • regionally allocated PLD services
  • subject association PLD services
  • kuia and kaumatua support.

[ Video Resource ]

  • Title: Foundational networking to find the right support
  • Description: We delve into the importance of creating support networks for your kura, in order to benefit ākonga.
  • Video Duration: 23 minutes
  • Video URL:
  • Transcript: English Whakapiri mai anō welcome to this web series

[ Audio Resource ]

  • Title: Foundational networking to find the right support
  • Description: Listen to a podcast of Webisode 6 here:
  • Audio File Type: mp3
  • Audio File Size: 21MB
  • Audio URL:
  • Transcript: English Whakapiri mai anō welcome to this web series

Supplementary Resource 6 – A foundational networking action plan

Support your learning from Webisode 6 with this supplementary resource:

Supplementary Resource 6 – A foundational networking action plan

Support your learning from Webisode 6 with this supplementary resource:

[ Multiple File Download ]

Document List: [{"file_url":"https:\/\/\/s3fs-public\/2022-11\/SuppRes6_PRINT_0.pdf?VersionId=NK_h6LRfVz7lhseGLFPwZskOCBZKIVNs","file_size":2588098},{"file_url":"https:\/\/\/s3fs-public\/2022-11\/SuppRes6_WEB_0.pdf?VersionId=NngeaTPPWbeChiOUbqS6FtJHmdzevss5","file_size":4552754}]

Documents Count: 2

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Print File
  • File URL:
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 2MB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Interactive File
  • File URL:
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 4MB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Print File
  • File URL:
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 2MB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Interactive File
  • File URL:
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 4MB
[ Heading ]

Webinar 3 – Relationship building and finding the right support

These webinar recordings dive deeper into the kaupapa discussed in Webisodes 5 and 6. With the help of Mana ōrite experts, kaiako reflect on their learning so far and ask questions to clarify the themes discussed in the webisodes.

These webinar recordings dive deeper into the kaupapa discussed in Webisodes 5 and 6. With the help of Mana ōrite experts, kaiako reflect on their learning so far and ask questions to clarify the themes discussed in the webisodes.

[ Video Resource ]

  • Title: Relationship building and finding the right support
  • Description: This webinar dives deeper into the kaupapa discussed in Webisodes 5 and 6.
  • Video Duration: 72 minutes
  • Video URL:
  • Transcript: English Tēnā koutou katoa! Ko Whanaungatanga tōku ingoa and I be the queen of relationships. I know how to make everyone feel valued because I know that making connections with others to build relationships is super important. I’ve been asked ‘What does ‘whanaungatanga’ look like in a kura?’ Well

Supplementary Resource – Whakawhanaungatanga

Support your learning from webinar 3 with this supplementary resource:

Supplementary Resource – Whakawhanaungatanga

Support your learning from webinar 3 with this supplementary resource:

[ Multiple File Download ]

Document List: [{"file_url":"https:\/\/\/s3fs-public\/2022-11\/SuppResWEBINAR%203_PRINT_0.pdf?VersionId=KvLhDAwruosvKmg0ez0sOV61rmreu2i9","file_size":1155070},{"file_url":"https:\/\/\/s3fs-public\/2022-11\/SuppResWEBINAR3_PDF_0.pdf?VersionId=i2itxZkD4K3HeLC61Y4z1Agu2AHaN2Og","file_size":1935779}]

Documents Count: 2

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Print File
  • File URL:
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 1MB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Interactive File
  • File URL:
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 2MB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Print File
  • File URL:
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 1MB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Interactive File
  • File URL:
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 2MB