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Mātauranga Māori: He whakamārama: Understanding mātauranga Māori

Mā te rongo, ka mōhio. Mā te mōhio, ka mārama. Mā te mārama, ka mātau. Mā te mātau, ka puta ki te whai ao, ki te ao mārama!
Through perception, comes awareness. Through awareness, comes understanding. Through understanding comes wisdom. Through wisdom, we emerge to the world of enlightenment!

To teach Māori learners, kaiako must understand Māori learners. This starts with understanding Māori values. In this toolkit of resources, kaiako, whānau and the wider education community will learn about foundational Māori values and what they look like in practice, in the classroom.

Watch or listen to these resources and find supplementary resources to support your learning journey.

Mā te rongo, ka mōhio. Mā te mōhio, ka mārama. Mā te mārama, ka mātau. Mā te mātau, ka puta ki te whai ao, ki te ao mārama!
Through perception, comes awareness. Through awareness, comes understanding. Through understanding comes wisdom. Through wisdom, we emerge to the world of enlightenment!

To teach Māori learners, kaiako must understand Māori learners. This starts with understanding Māori values. In this toolkit of resources, kaiako, whānau and the wider education community will learn about foundational Māori values and what they look like in practice, in the classroom.

Watch or listen to these resources and find supplementary resources to support your learning journey.

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Webisode 3 – Mātauranga Māori: where to begin

In this webisode, you’ll learn:

  • where to start when trying to understand mātauranga Māori
  • what mātauranga Māori looks like in practice
  • foundational Māori values and how to embed these in your learning environment such as whakawhanaungatanga, manaakitanga, kotahitanga, kaitiakitanga, whakaiti, whakaaronui/torerenui and whakamana.

In this webisode, you’ll learn:

  • where to start when trying to understand mātauranga Māori
  • what mātauranga Māori looks like in practice
  • foundational Māori values and how to embed these in your learning environment such as whakawhanaungatanga, manaakitanga, kotahitanga, kaitiakitanga, whakaiti, whakaaronui/torerenui and whakamana.

[ Video Resource ]

  • Title: Mātauranga Māori: where to begin
  • Description: In this webisode, we will look at where to start when trying to understand mātauranga Māori.
  • Video Duration: 18 minutes
  • Video URL:
  • Transcript: English Kia ora mai anō rā and welcome back to another episode of our webseries Mana ōrite mō te mātauranga Māori - Equal status for mātauranga Māori Where we continue to explore what this means within the NCEA package. This package of tools is designed to support sector readiness by supporting you our nations educators. You told us you needed the tools to enable you to practically apply this mātauranga in the classroom as well as more kōrero (discussions) around mana ōrite mō te mātauranga Māori. You as the educators of our future generations

[ Audio Resource ]

  • Title: Podcast 3 - Mātauranga Māori: where to begin
  • Description: Listen to a podcast of Webisode 3 here:
  • Audio File Type: mp3
  • Audio File Size: 16MB
  • Audio URL:
  • Transcript: English Kia ora mai anō rā and welcome back to another episode of our webseries Mana ōrite mō te mātauranga Māori - Equal status for mātauranga Māori Where we continue to explore what this means within the NCEA package. This package of tools is designed to support sector readiness by supporting you our nations educators. You told us you needed the tools to enable you to practically apply this mātauranga in the classroom as well as more kōrero (discussions) around mana ōrite mō te mātauranga Māori. You as the educators of our future generations

Supplementary Resource 3 – the Tanga Whānau: a reflection

Support your learning from Webisode 3 with this supplementary resource:

Supplementary Resource 3 – the Tanga Whānau: a reflection

Support your learning from Webisode 3 with this supplementary resource:

[ Multiple File Download ]

Document List: [{"file_url":"https:\/\/\/s3fs-public\/2022-11\/SuppRes3_PRINT_0.pdf?VersionId=KnO8r6pcFwMgGWdEOJJHiNnxB5T9wVnE","file_size":2163321},{"file_url":"https:\/\/\/s3fs-public\/2022-11\/SuppRes3_PDF_0.pdf?VersionId=ZBZgLWUindqRL_Hwe4bp66eSyORpEFRF","file_size":4110738}]

Documents Count: 2

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Print File
  • File URL:
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 2MB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Interactive File
  • File URL:
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 4MB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Print File
  • File URL:
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 2MB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Interactive File
  • File URL:
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 4MB

To learn more about the kaupapa Māori discussed in Webisode 3, as well as other kaupapa Māori, watch our Insights into kaupapa Māori videos here.

To learn more about the kaupapa Māori discussed in Webisode 3, as well as other kaupapa Māori, watch our Insights into kaupapa Māori videos here.

[ Links Block ]

Title: Kaupapa Māori Videos

  • [ Internal Link ]
    • Title: Insights into kaupapa Māori videos
    • URL:
    [ Heading ]

    Webisode 4 – What can I do? Voices from our sector

    In this webisode you’ll learn:

    • what resources are required to implement Mana ōrite mō te mātauranga Māori
    • what the barriers are to implementing this change and how to overcome them
    • the importance of moving away from ticking PLD boxes to implementing Mana ōrite as a system wide change.

    In this webisode you’ll learn:

    • what resources are required to implement Mana ōrite mō te mātauranga Māori
    • what the barriers are to implementing this change and how to overcome them
    • the importance of moving away from ticking PLD boxes to implementing Mana ōrite as a system wide change.

    [ Video Resource ]

    • Title: What can I do? Voices from our sector
    • Description: In this webisode you will hear from Senior Leaders working in secondary schools to discuss what is needed to support kaiako as kura transition and implement Mana ōrite mō te mātauranga Māori.
    • Video Duration: 17 minutes
    • Video URL:
    • Transcript: English Tēnā anō tātau e te iwi and welcome to this web series where we’ll be exploring mana ōrite mō te mātauranga Māori Equal status for mātauranga Māori and what this means within the NCEA change package. This is another part of our package of tools set to support sector readiness and you our future leaders and educators. You told us you needed tools to enable practical applications in the classroom

    [ Audio Resource ]

    • Title: What can I do? Voices from our sector
    • Description: Listen to a podcast of Webisode 4 here:
    • Audio File Type: mp3
    • Audio File Size: 16MB
    • Audio URL:
    • Transcript: English Tēnā anō tātau e te iwi and welcome to this web series where we’ll be exploring mana ōrite mō te mātauranga Māori Equal status for mātauranga Māori and what this means within the NCEA change package. This is another part of our package of tools set to support sector readiness and you our future leaders and educators. You told us you needed tools to enable practical applications in the classroom

    Supplementary resource 4 – Where to begin and what can I do?

    Support your learning from Webisode 4 with this supplementary resource:

    Supplementary resource 4 – Where to begin and what can I do?

    Support your learning from Webisode 4 with this supplementary resource:

    [ Multiple File Download ]

    Document List: [{"file_url":"https:\/\/\/s3fs-public\/2023-05\/SuppRes4_PRINT.pdf?VersionId=4VtALHyZCkhM2rKsdPi4z0bEUj3uMYAW","file_size":4548240},{"file_url":"https:\/\/\/s3fs-public\/2023-05\/SuppRes4_WEB.pdf?VersionId=ZSmcTbK.yUx_PPu64WaCuryWl9dbzrce","file_size":8611958}]

    Documents Count: 2

    [ File Resource ]

    • Title: Print File
    • File URL:
    • File Extension: pdf
    • File Size: 4MB

    [ File Resource ]

    • Title: Interactive File
    • File URL:
    • File Extension: pdf
    • File Size: 8MB

    [ File Resource ]

    • Title: Print File
    • File URL:
    • File Extension: pdf
    • File Size: 4MB

    [ File Resource ]

    • Title: Interactive File
    • File URL:
    • File Extension: pdf
    • File Size: 8MB
    [ Heading ]

    Webinar 2 – Where to begin and what can I do?

    These webinar recordings dive deeper into the kaupapa discussed in Webisodes 3 and 4. With the help of Mana ōrite experts, kaiako reflect on their learning so far and ask questions to clarify the themes discussed in the webisodes.

    These webinar recordings dive deeper into the kaupapa discussed in Webisodes 3 and 4. With the help of Mana ōrite experts, kaiako reflect on their learning so far and ask questions to clarify the themes discussed in the webisodes.

    [ Video Resource ]

    • Title: Where to begin and what can I do?
    • Description: This webinar dives deeper into the kaupapa discussed in Webisodes 3 and 4.
    • Video Duration: 61 minutes
    • Video URL:
    • Transcript: English What do I believe will be the impact of teaching Aotearoa New Zealand histories for future generations? I think it will be hugely transformative For a long time Pākeha in particular have turned their backs on the history of this country. And engaging with that history

    Supplementary Resource – Māori values in practice

    Support your learning from Webinar 2 with this supplementary resource:

    Supplementary Resource – Māori values in practice

    Support your learning from Webinar 2 with this supplementary resource:

    [ Multiple File Download ]

    Document List: [{"file_url":"https:\/\/\/s3fs-public\/2022-11\/SuppResWEBINAR2_PRINT_0.pdf?VersionId=ykMvQW8AJXvUZpzKXMPks07yk01U_CWz","file_size":2518907},{"file_url":"https:\/\/\/s3fs-public\/2022-11\/SuppResWEBINAR2_WEB_0.pdf?VersionId=Qr9fdXAJCuNl_4HPcmHUTPN.mrdKt1WF","file_size":6451211}]

    Documents Count: 2

    [ File Resource ]

    • Title: Print File
    • File URL:
    • File Extension: pdf
    • File Size: 2MB

    [ File Resource ]

    • Title: Interactive File
    • File URL:
    • File Extension: pdf
    • File Size: 6MB

    [ File Resource ]

    • Title: Print File
    • File URL:
    • File Extension: pdf
    • File Size: 2MB

    [ File Resource ]

    • Title: Interactive File
    • File URL:
    • File Extension: pdf
    • File Size: 6MB