Te Whāinga
Paearu Paetae
Kōrero Āpiti 1
I ahu mai tēnei paerewa paetae i The New Zealand Curriculum (NZC), Te Pou Taki Kōrero, Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga, 2007, ā, ka hāngai ki ngā whāinga o ngā Whakaaro Whānui i te Taumata 8 o te Tukutuku Ako o Te Ao Haka ki ngā Taumata 6, 7, 8.
Kōrero Āpiti 2
Ka whai wāhi ki te whakaatu i ngā wāhanga e toru i tētahi pekanga o Te Ao Haka:
- te whakaatu i ngā wāhanga e toru i te pekanga kotahi
- te āta whakaatu i te rerekē i waenga i ngā wāhanga mā roto i te tika rawa atu o te whakatutukihanga
Ka whai wāhi ki te whakaari i ngā wāhanga e toru i tētahi pekanga o Te Ao Haka:
- te kawe i te kaupapa o ngā wāhanga e toru mā roto i te whakaaturanga
- te whakaatu i te whai tikanga ki ia wāhanga mā roto i te tika o te whakapuakanga
Ka whai wāhi ki te whakapuaki i ngā wāhanga e toru i tētahi pekanga o Te Ao Haka:
- te whakaatu i te toi o te kōrero pūrākau, i te matatau ā-kaupapa whāiti hoki e tika ana mō te kāhua o ia wāhanga mā roto i te whakaaturanga
- te whakatutuki i tētahi whakaaturanga i runga i te ihi, i te wehi me te wana
Kōrero Āpiti 3
E kōrero ana te pekanga mō tētahi pekanga whakaatu i roto i Te Ao Haka.
Kei te rārangi o ngā pekanga:
- te mōteatea
- te waiata ā-ringa
- te poi
- te haka, te haka wahine
- te whakaeke
- te whakawātea
Kōrero Āpiti 4
Ko ngā wāhanga i Te Ao Haka ko ngā momo, ko ngā kāhua rānei o ngā titonga, o ngā mahinga rānei i roto i tētahi pekanga.
Ko ētahi tauira mō ngā wāhanga, ko te:
- te aroha
- te tangi
- te pao
Waiata ā-ringa
- te aroha
- te poroporoaki
- te whakahāwea
Ko ēnei wāhanga anake e whai pānga ana ki ngā pekanga o te whakaeke me te whakawātea:
- kaupapa whānui
- whakanui
- aroha
- whakapapa
He rārangi tōtōpū o ngā wāhanga me ngā tautuhinga motuhake mō ngā wāhanga o te kaupapa whānui, o te whakanui, o te aroha me te whakapapa kei te Kuputaka o Te Ao Haka.
Kōrero Āpiti 5
Te ihi, te wehi, me te wana
- Ko te ihi e kōrero ana mō tā te kaiwhakaatu whakaputa i tōna ake manea, i tōna ake kohara hoki e toko ake ai i te minenga te whakamīharo, te whakaaro nui rānei
- Ko te wehi e kōrero ana mō te whakamīharotanga ki te turua o ngā kaiwhakaatu, o ngā whakaaturanga rānei
- Ko te wana e kōrero ana mō te hiamo ka hua ake nā te kaiwhakaatu rānei, nā te whakaaturanga rānei.
Hui katoa, ka puta ake te tikanga e hua mai ai he whakaaturanga e matatau ana ā- toi, ā-kaupapa whāiti hoki. Mā te tū o te ihi, o te wehi me te wana e taea ai e te kaiwhakaatu te whakatinana, te whakapuaki hoki tētahi whakaaturanga ki tāngata kē.
Kōrero Āpiti 6
E kōrero ana te toi o te kōrero pūrākau ki te kaha o te whakarewa i te whakaaturanga ki tua atu o te mahi nekehanga, e kawea ai ngā whakaaro o te minenga i tētahi haerenga, e rongo ai rātou i te kōrero i runga i tā te ngākau i rongo ai.
Ko te matatau ā-kaupapa whāiti e kōrero ana ki te mōhio me ngā pūkenga ā-kaupapa whāiti me mātua whai e tutuki ai ngā whakaaturanga o Te Ao Haka i runga i te tika me te hāngai pū. Ka whai wāhi atu ki tēnei te aronga ki te whakatutuki i ngā āhuatanga tāpua me ngā huānga.
Tikanga Aromatawai
Ko te taunakitanga mō tēnei paerewa he whakaaturanga nā te ākonga. E pai ana kia mahia tauhunatia, māhorahoratia rānei te whakaaturanga.
E pai ana kia tū takitahi, tū ā-kapa rānei.
Ko ngā whakaaturanga i kaupapa kē, pērā i tētahi taiopenga ā-hapori, ā-kura rānei, mō tētahi whakataetae rānei, ka whakaaetia hei taunakitanga mō tēnei paerewa.
Me oke ngā kaiako kia tika ngā putanga mō te Taumata 8 o te New Zealand Curriculum.
Ka whakaaturia ngā taunakitanga mā te whakaatu ā-tinana, mā tētahi atu kātū rānei, tae atu ki tētahi:
- whakaahuatanga o te whakaaturanga
- whakaaturanga i te aroaro o te kaiako, o te kaiwhakamātautau rānei
- whakaaturanga i ētahi pae matihiko
- whakahanumitanga o ngā kātū
Te wewete i ngā paerewa
[ Rauemi Ataata ]
- Taitara: TAH Paerewa Paetae 3.2
- Whakaahua: Ko ngā Iho Pūmanawa e kōrero ana mō te Paerewa Paetae 3.2, me pēhea hoki te wetewete me te kōtuitui ki roto ki ngā mahi ako, whakaako anō hoki.
- Roanga o te Ataata: 6 minutes
- Wāhitau Tukutuku Ataata: https://player.vimeo.com/video/698007502
- Tauwhaituhi: English 00:05 Tuhoe So Standard 3.2 is to Perform three categories within a discipline of Te Ao Haka. Once you have chosen your discipline you need to pick your three categories
English |
00:05 Tuhoe |
So Standard 3.2 is to Perform three categories within a discipline of Te Ao Haka. Once you have chosen your discipline you need to pick your three categories, and the reason we ask for three categories is to refine your skill in that particular discipline.
So firstly Disciplines; discipline includes waiata-ā-ringa, poi, haka, mōteatea, if you take a waiata-ā-ringa we go to the categories which is waiata aroha, waiata tangi, waiata ngahau. |
Nō reira, ko te paerewa paetae 3.2, he whakaatu i ētahi wāhanga e toru o tētahi pekanga o Te Ao Haka. Ka oti ana i a koe tō pekanga te whiriwhiri, ka tahuri koe ki te whiriwhiri i ngā wāhanga e toru o taua pekanga. Ko te take e pīrangitia ana kia toru ngā wāhanga, he whakapakari i ō pūkenga ki taua pekanga.
Tuatahi ake ko ngā pekanga ko; te waiata ā-ringa, te poi, te haka, te mōteatea hoki. Ki te whiriwhiria te waiata ā-ringa, ko ōna wāhanga ko; te waiata aroha, te waiata tangi me te waiata ngahau. |
00:39 Fred |
Categories of Mōteatea; aroha, pao, tangi. Haka; there’s three distinct styles, there’s the taparahi style, there’s the whakatūwaewae with weapons without jumping and then there’s the peropero style.
The Poi; single short, double short, single long, double long. As a Māori race it’s all about our expressions, it’s about our feelings.
It's about who we are where, we come from. It’s your whakapapa, it’s your birthright. And through all of our items that we perform, you’re trying to express and become your tupuna.
You are your tupuna when you stand on the stage, you are your hapū, your iwi, and through your performance you want to relate and express to us all that you can within that performance.
Ko ngā wāhanga o te mōteatea ko; te waiata aroha, te pao me te waiata tangi. Ko te haka, e toru ngā momo tū motuhake, arā ko; te haka taparahi, te whakatūwaewae me te mau o te rākau, kāore e peruperu. Ā, ko te mutunga ko te haka peruperu.
Ko te poi; kotahi te poi poto, e rua ngā poi poto, kotahi te poi roa, e rua ngā poi roa. Ki a tātou te iwi Māori, he wāhi nui tō te whakapuaki mā te tū, me whakakori i ngā kare ā-roto.
He whakaahua ko wai mātou, nō hea hoki mātou. Ko tō whakapapa, ko tō mana whakaheke. Ā, i roto i ngā tū katoa e whakaaturia ana, e ngana ana koe ki te whakapuaki, ki te whakatangata i ō tūpuna.
Ko koe te kanohi ō tūpuna i a koe ka tū i te atamira. Ko koe te kanohi o tō hapū, o tō iwi. Ā, ka tū ana koe, e hiahia ana koe ki te tūhonohono me te whakaatu ki a mātou ngā mea katoa e taea ana i tērā whakaaturanga. |
01:26 Tuhoe |
There are a few settings that the students are allowed to do this. Number one is in the classroom, number two is in the community or in an event.
Personally I like that setting. Why is because it’s real, it’s the real moment and those are the things that you capture because in those moments are the wow factors and you can’t teach that, it has to come from within, ngā mea kare-ā-roto.
The role of the kaiako is to help the ākonga understand the discipline first, secondly, the categories and why they are set in that way. It is important to have a clear distinction within the three categories because they each have their own mana, their own way of delivery, their own context. |
Arā ētahi horopaki e taea ana e te ākonga. Ko te tuatahi kei te akomanga. Ko te tuarua kei te hapori, kei tētahi huihuinga rānei.
Mōku ake, he pai ki a au tēnā horopaki. Nā te aha, nā te mea, ka kitea te tūturutanga i taua wā tonu. Koinā ngā āhuatanga ka kapohia ake i aua wā hira, i te mea ka kitea ngā kura huna, ka mutu, kāore e taea te whakaako. Ka pupū kē ai i roto, arā ko ngā kare ā-roto.
Ko tā te kaiako he āwhina i te ākonga kia mārama ai ia ki te pekanga i te tuatahi. Tuarua, ko ngā wāhanga o aua pekanga me ōna tikanga. He mea nui kia motuhaketia ngā wāhanga e toru, i te mea, he mana tō tēnā, he huarahi whakaatu tō tēnā, he horopaki tō tēnā. |
02:14 Fred |
Yeah that’s them understanding the korero, the whakapapa or the history of the item.
From there it’s transferred through to displaying the appropriate actions for the kupu of the song.
Depends on what the song is. It could be a waiata tangi, so you would be looking for those key features in terms of wiri and how they’re expressed but you can actually see the sorrow or feel from the performance that kind of wairua that energy. |
Āe, ko tana mārama tērā ki ngā kōrero, ki te whakapapa, ki te hītōria rānei o te tūmomo waiata, haka. Atu i reira ka whiti atu ki te whakaatu i ngā ā-ringa tōtika mō ngā kupu o te waiata.
Kei te āhua o te waiata. He waiata tangi pea, nō reira kei te kimihia aua āhuatanga tāpua, pēnei i te wiri, he pēhea hoki tana whakaaturia. Kei te kitea, kei te rangona rānei te auhi i te waiata, tērā momo wairua, tērā momo wehi. |
02:44 Tuhoe |
When you’ve been given a task and I’ll take waiata-ā-ringa, you’ve been given a task to tell that story, so it’s up to you to leave the viewer or the listener with the emotions coming from your performance, from the narrative.
It’s about you becoming the best storyteller and leaving the person who is listening in an emotional rollercoaster. |
Ka tukuna ki a koe tētahi mahi. Nā, ka tīkina ko te waiata ā-ringa. Ka tukuna ki a koe te mahi ki te whakaahua i ngā kōrero, nō reira, ka riro māu te hunga mātakitaki, te hunga whakarongo rānei e whakaaweawe ki te āhua o tō tū me ōna kōrero.
Arā, ka noho mai ko koe te tino kaiwhakaputa kōrero, ka waiho mai te hunga whakarongo i roto i te ngākau whakapuke. |
03:04 Fred |
That’s your way of telling the story. But, again you’re working with a team so there’s basics that you’ll have and that's the standard actions but then you may have put your own little twist that's you, within your performance. |
Koia te āhua o tō ake whakapuaki i ngā kōrero. Heoi anō, e tū tahi ana koe me tētahi kapa, ā, arā ngā āhuatanga pūmau, ko ngā ā-ringa whānui ēnā, ka mutu, kei ōna wā pea ka whakaniko koe i tō tū ki ō taera motuhake. |
03:17 |
It’s your job to make sure that they have the right stance, the waiata-ā-ringa and the way that it’s portrayed is correct within the genre or the category of that discipline. We don’t want to put the student in danger if they perform a particular way that does not hāngai to that particular discipline or category.
So, the three step ups are Perform, Communicate and Express. So, Perform is simply to perform the category of that discipline. |
Nōu te haepapa kia mātua tika i a rātou te tū. Arā e tika ana te whakaaturia o te waiata ā-ringa, e ai ki ngā tikanga o te momo o taua pekanga. Kāore i te hiahia kia tukuna te ākonga ki te wāhi mōrearea, arā, ko te āhua o te tū kāore e hāngai ki tērā momo, ki tērā wāhanga rānei.
Nō reira e toru ngā pikinga. Ko te whakaatu, ko te whakawhitiwhiti, ko te whakapuaki anō hoki. Nō reira, ko te whakaatu, ko te whakaatu noa i te wāhanga o te pekanga. |
04:15 Fred |
They must understand the kupu. That means they’re able to apply that knowledge and then you’re assessing whether or not their actions are appropriate to the performance. |
Me mārama rātou ki ngā kupu. Arā, e āhei ana rātou ki te whakamahi i ngā mōhiotanga, ka mutu, ko tāu, he aromatawai mēnā rānei e tika ana ngā mahi ā-ringa mō te whakaaturanga. |
04:25 Tuhoe |
So Communicate is how well you communicate the message or convey the message, within the performance.
And the way you can do that is through the different categories of that discipline.
The other way is how well that you commit in terms of your performance through your body movements and the way you express or show emotions. |
Ko te whakawhitiwhiti, ko te pai o o te whakawhitiwhiti i ngā kōrero, o te tukutuku rānei i te ngako o ngā kōrero mā roto i te whakaaturanga. E taea ai tēnā, mā ngā wāhanga rerekē o tērā pekanga.
E taea kē ai hoki tēnā, mā tō manawa rahi i tō whakaaturanga, arā, mā te neke o te tinana, me te āhua o tō whakapuaki, whakaputa hoki i ngā kare ā-roto. |
04:46 Fred |
The actions a bit more precise. You can see a bit more engagement in terms of ihi. You can see there’s a step up. |
E tika pū ake ana ngā mahi ā-ringa. Ka puta anō ko te ihi, ā, ka kitea kua ekea he taumata anō. |
04:57 Tuhoe |
To Express. Expressing the emotions within the performer, ngā kare-ā-roto. It’s about how well and how believable you are in terms of your performance.
The beauty about Te Ao Haka is that you have the opportunity to capture the ākonga in real time, real events and real moments. For example, if they are performing at a kaupapa ā iwi, you have the opportunity to capture that moment, it’s pure, it’s not trained, it’s not practiced, it's at the pure moment and that’s the beauty of this. |
Ki te whakapuaki. Me whakapuaki i ngā kare ā-roto i roto i te kaihaka. Kei te papai me te āhua o te whakaponotia ōu i tō whakaaturanga.
Ko te ātaahua o Te Ao Haka ko te āheinga kia kitea te ākonga i taua wā tonu, i aua huihuinga tonu, i aua wāhi tonu. Hei tauira, mehemea e tū ana rātou i tētahi kaupapa ā-iwi, kei a koe te āheinga ki te kapo i ngā āhuatanga o taua wā hira, he urutapu, he māori, he horomata, ā, ko te wā hira nei te āhuatanga ātaahua. |
05:34 Fred |
All I can say kaiako ma, is have a go. Have a look at the standard, if you’re unsure give us a call, that’s what our iho pūmanawa group is all about. Yeah all I can encourage you is to look at the standards, look at your kids, look at their ability, if they’re able to do the standards itself, have a go. |
Ko taku kupu noa ki a koutou kaiako mā, karawhiua! Tirohia te paerewa paetae, mehemea e māharahara ana koe karanga mai ki a mātou, koia nā tā te ohu iho pūmanawa. Āe, ko taku āki noa ki a koutou kia tirohia ngā paerewa, me te āhua o ngā tamariki, mehemea e taea ana e rātou tēnei paerewa, karawhiua! |
Ka tūhura tonu, ka whakapakari ake hoki te ākonga i ōna pūkenga whakaaturanga mā roto i tētahi kaupeka toi nō roto tonu i te ao Māori. Ka whakaatu hoki te ākonga i tōna mārama ki ngā kōrero tuku iho me tana whakapuaki i a ia anō mā roto i te tau o tana mārama ki te horopaki me ngā kōrero tuku iho ki te whakawhitiwhiti i tētahi pūrākau whakaaweawe.
Kaupae 3
I te Kaupae 3, ka whakapakari ake te ākonga i ana pūkenga whakaaturanga me te whakahōhonu i tana mārama ki ōna ake wheako i Te Ao Haka. Ka kitea tēnei i te aronga o ngā Paerewa ki te mahi whakaatu me te arotake i aua whakaaturanga.
Ka tūhura tonu, ka whakapakari ake hoki te ākonga i ōna pūkenga whakaaturanga mā roto i tētahi kaupeka toi nō roto tonu i te ao Māori. Ka whakaatu hoki te ākonga i tōna mārama ki ngā kōrero tuku iho me tana whakapuaki i a ia anō mā roto i te tau o tana mārama ki te horopaki me ngā kōrero tuku iho ki te whakawhitiwhiti i tētahi pūrākau whakaaweawe.
Kaupae 3
I te Kaupae 3, ka whakapakari ake te ākonga i ana pūkenga whakaaturanga me te whakahōhonu i tana mārama ki ōna ake wheako i Te Ao Haka. Ka kitea tēnei i te aronga o ngā Paerewa ki te mahi whakaatu me te arotake i aua whakaaturanga.