NCEA Co-requisite

Ko te tauira reo Pākehā kē tēnei o te whārangi nei, i te korenga o tētahi tauira reo Māori.

Learn about NCEA requirements for te reo matatini, pāngarau, literacy, and numeracy. How the NCEA recognises skills and competency in these areas is changing from 2024. 

Access guides and resources for ākonga and whānau 

What’s happening from 2024? 

All learners need to achieve a 20-credit co-requisite specific to te reo matatini or literacy and pāngarau or numeracy skills to be awarded any level of NCEA. The co-requisite is a one-off requirement. 

The requirements are formally separated out from the certificate at Levels 1-3 and the 20-credit co-requisite becomes mandatory from 2024. 

A two-year transitional period in 2024 and 2025 offers schools, kura, and all NCEA providers with time to adjust to the new requirements and new forms of assessment. School-wide and curriculum-wide approaches to NCEA te reo matatini, pāngarau, literacy and numeracy skills can be strengthened during the transitional period. 

From 2026, dedicated standards for te reo matatini, pāngarau, literacy, and numeracy will be the only method to achieve the NCEA Co-requisite. 

Why are the requirements changing?

Following sector engagement on the NCEA Change Programme in 2018 and 2019, it became clear New Zealanders lacked confidence that NCEA’s requirements for literacy and numeracy were robust and valid. 

Students need to show that they have NCEA foundational reading, writing and numeracy skills to gain an NCEA qualification. These skills will support students to succeed in further study, employment, and life. 

The change is part of the seven areas we’re working on to strengthen the NCEA. These changes aim to improve well-being, equity, coherence, pathways and credibility – for students and teachers. 

Improved NCEA Co-requisite standards

We have improved the NCEA Co-requisite standards to make them more user-friendly for students, teachers, and assessment markers. 

The changes respond to feedback from schools and kura that took part in the NCEA Co-requisite pilot and opt-in years from 2021 to 2023. 

Read a summary of the changes that were made: 

Learn about NCEA requirements for te reo matatini, pāngarau, literacy, and numeracy. How the NCEA recognises skills and competency in these areas is changing from 2024. 

Access guides and resources for ākonga and whānau 

What’s happening from 2024? 

All learners need to achieve a 20-credit co-requisite specific to te reo matatini or literacy and pāngarau or numeracy skills to be awarded any level of NCEA. The co-requisite is a one-off requirement. 

The requirements are formally separated out from the certificate at Levels 1-3 and the 20-credit co-requisite becomes mandatory from 2024. 

A two-year transitional period in 2024 and 2025 offers schools, kura, and all NCEA providers with time to adjust to the new requirements and new forms of assessment. School-wide and curriculum-wide approaches to NCEA te reo matatini, pāngarau, literacy and numeracy skills can be strengthened during the transitional period. 

From 2026, dedicated standards for te reo matatini, pāngarau, literacy, and numeracy will be the only method to achieve the NCEA Co-requisite. 

Why are the requirements changing?

Following sector engagement on the NCEA Change Programme in 2018 and 2019, it became clear New Zealanders lacked confidence that NCEA’s requirements for literacy and numeracy were robust and valid. 

Students need to show that they have NCEA foundational reading, writing and numeracy skills to gain an NCEA qualification. These skills will support students to succeed in further study, employment, and life. 

The change is part of the seven areas we’re working on to strengthen the NCEA. These changes aim to improve well-being, equity, coherence, pathways and credibility – for students and teachers. 

Improved NCEA Co-requisite standards

We have improved the NCEA Co-requisite standards to make them more user-friendly for students, teachers, and assessment markers. 

The changes respond to feedback from schools and kura that took part in the NCEA Co-requisite pilot and opt-in years from 2021 to 2023. 

Read a summary of the changes that were made: 

[ Multiple File Download ]

Document List: [{"file_url":"https:\/\/\/s3fs-public\/2024-03\/Improved%20NCEA%20Co-requisite%20standards_Eng_WEB.pdf?VersionId=RrJlVgA3G1kSRCW5mUrutlbKQOemwg1a","file_size":572812},{"file_url":"https:\/\/\/s3fs-public\/2024-03\/Improved%20NCEA%20Co-requisite%20standards_TeReMaori_WEB.pdf?VersionId=okaWbub8am6LMYzWVuKOkGsawbqY3djI","file_size":572090}]

Documents Count: 2

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Improved NCEA Co-requisite Standards
  • File URL:
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 559KB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Ngā paerewa Tautokorua NCEA kua whakapaitia ake
  • File URL:
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 559KB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Improved NCEA Co-requisite Standards
  • File URL:
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 559KB

[ File Resource ]

  • Title: Ngā paerewa Tautokorua NCEA kua whakapaitia ake
  • File URL:
  • File Extension: pdf
  • File Size: 559KB

Looking for teaching and learning information and resources?



NCEA Literacy and Numeracy resources for kaiako 

Te reo matatini 


Ngā Rauemi mō Te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau i NCEA 

Share information about the NCEA Co-requisite with whānau 

Ākonga and whānau guidance for 2024-2025 is available in English and te reo Māori 

Te Reo Matatini and Pāngarau in NCEA for Ākonga and Whānau 

Literacy and Numeracy in NCEA 2024-2025 for Ākonga and Whānau

Looking for teaching and learning information and resources?



NCEA Literacy and Numeracy resources for kaiako 

Te reo matatini 


Ngā Rauemi mō Te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau i NCEA 

Share information about the NCEA Co-requisite with whānau 

Ākonga and whānau guidance for 2024-2025 is available in English and te reo Māori 

Te Reo Matatini and Pāngarau in NCEA for Ākonga and Whānau 

Literacy and Numeracy in NCEA 2024-2025 for Ākonga and Whānau